New England, not the Pats
It's Y'all, not you all
Surf's Up Dude
The Variety Pack

This state was known for the start of the American Revolution, including it being home to many "Patriots". 

What is Massachusetts


A state where things are always "peachy" but their sports teams make it not so fun, such as 28-3.

What is Georgia


This state is also the name of what you might call a miniature drink.

What is Minnesota


A place where it always rains and is home to the first ever Starbucks.

What is Washington


A place of worship and large mountains, this state has a lot of salt around it.

What is Utah


A place where you can find some world famous lobster, as well as being right next to Quebec.

What is Maine


Shares a name with a rapper, as well as being home to some of the best beaches in the US

What is Florida


A place where you can see 4 presidents at any time.

What is South Dakota


The "Golden State" of the Union can also be considered the "Golden State" for the technological world as well, holding companies like Apple, Google, and other tech giants.

What is California


This state is home to the Giants and the Jets, as well as being a "walk" away from the Atlantic.

What is New Jersey


The first inducted state into the Union and has the song, "Cliffs of Dover" sang about this state.

What is Delaware


Named after the former Queen of England, "Bloody Mary", this state was a Catholic haven in the "New World"

What is Maryland


Double Jeopardy: Home to the Kansas City Chiefs and the Kansas City Royals, "show me" the answer to this.

What is Missouri


For years, the NFL's Pro Bowl was held here and has a word for hello and goodbye.

What is Hawaii


Double Jeopardy: A place of fun and dry heat, this state does not have a whole lot except a city in the desert.

What is Nevada


This state is the "Economic Capital of the World" and known for always being attacked in various superhero movies.

What is New York

This state is world famous for their horses and that's really about it

What is Kentucky


This state, though considered a "fly-over" state, was home to Superman.

What is Kansas


Home of one of the largest trails in North America, this state also houses witches and comfortable clothing

What is Oregon


Home to the "Motor City" as well as "Spartan Green", this state fits its name like a "mitten"

What is Michigan

With the capital of Montpelier, this state is often confused with its neighbor state for looking almost identical.

What is Vermont


With the Capital of Richmond, this state was also named after the first English born child to be born in the United States.

What is Virginia


The Capital is home to the Simpsons as well as the worst baseball team to ever exist

What is Illinois


A place of national parks and "Old Faithful", this state also has an entire TV series about it in "Yellowstone"

What is Wyoming


Known as the "Cheese" state, this state's capital is named after a former "Founding Father".

What is Wisconsin