How many hours a night the average teen should get.
8-10 hours.
Terrifying dreams during sleep.
Night terrors
The most commonly used psychoactive drug.
Psychology is the study of this.
The mind and behavior.
What street is Thurgood Marshall Academic High School located on?
Address: 45 Conkling St, San Francisco, CA 94124
A disadvantage of not sleeping enough.
Stress, fatigue, weight gain, difficulty focusing, trouble remembering, etc.
The inability to go to sleep.
The psychologist who famously used a particular stimulant and created psychoanalysis.
Sigmund Freud.
The third pillar of the Thurgood Marshall Way.
I am respectful.
The number of stages in the sleep cycle.
Breathing stops during sleep, sometimes for many seconds at a time.
Sleep apnea
Drugs that slow your body and brain function down.
The Apple TV show starring Jason Segel, Harrison Ford, and Jessica Williams that is based on a group of psychologists and their therapy practice.
Supreme Court Justice
What REM sleep stands for.
Rapid Eye Movement
Extreme tiredness and daytime sleepiness, including involuntary napping
An example of a depressant.
This basketball player wrote an article titled, "Everyone Is Going Through Something" in March of 2018 to advocate for mental health.
Kevin Love.
The year that this school was founded.
The stage of sleep known as delta sleep.
Non-rem 3
The informal name for Enuresis.
Bed wetting.
The feeling of being sick or uncomfortable without using a psychoactive drug.
This Louisiana based music artist briefly majored in psychology and attended college, but ultimately continued with his rap career.
Lil Wayne
The name of the president that nominated Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court.
Lyndon Baines Johnson.