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what is a state of matter

One of the four principal conditions in which matter exists—solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. See also phase.


what is a solid

a substance which exists in the solid-state, which is one of the four fundamental states of matter.


what is a liquid

a nearly incompressible fluid that conforms to the shape of its container but retains a nearly constant volume independent of pressure.


what is a gas

a substance that is in a gaseous, or vaporous, state of matter.


Calculate the molar mass of Ca(N03)2



define limiting reactant

reactant in a chemical reaction that determines the amount of product that is formed.


define excess reactant

substance that is not wholly consumed or entirely reacted in a chemical reaction.


what is used to convert between moles and grams of the same substance

molar mass


what is used to convert between moles of one substance to moles of another substance

mole ratio


how do I determine a mole ratio

by the coefficients 


calculate molar mass of Ba(Mn04)

375.196 g/mol


The limiting reagent in a chemical reaction is one that...

is consumed completely 


How many moles of hyrdrogen are required to produce 15.0 mol of methane (CH4) 

C+2H2 > Ch4

30 mol H2


If 29,48 grams of Na are reacted with fluorine, how many moles of NaF are produced

2Na+f2 > NaF

1.28 mol NaF


what is the molar mass of Zn(NO3)2

189.388 g/mol


what is the difference between a solid, a liquid, and a gas at the molecular level

gas are well separated with no regular arrangement. liquid are close together with no regular arrangement. solid are tightly packed, usually in a regular pattern.


How does temperature affect state of matter

As the temperature of a solid, liquid or gas increases, the particles move more rapidly. As the temperature falls, the particles slow down.


The elements Lithium and oxygen react explosively to form lithium oxide, Li20. How many grams of lithium oxide will form if 2 moles of lithium react.  (MM: Li=6.94g/mol; O2= 32.99g/mol; Li2O=29.88 g/mol

7.47 g LiO


Calculate the molar mass of of Zn(NO3)2



limitng reactant of 2AI(OH)3 + 3 H2 SO4 >Al2(SO4)3 + 6 H20

H2 SO4 sulfuric acid 


Given the reaction 4NH3 (g) + 5 )2 (g) > 2NO (G) +6H20

when 1.20 mole of ammonia reacts the total numbers of moles of water is formed is? 

1.8 mol Ho


how many grams of CO2 willl be produced if you start with 14.8 g of C3H8 and 3.44g of O2? (MM: C3H8= 44.01 g/mol= O2 =32 g/mol CO2 44g/mol H20 18.02

44.38 g CO2


When sodium azide is activated in an automobile airbag, nitrogen gas and sodium are produced. If 0.5 mol of NaN3 react, what mass ( ingrams) of nitrogen would be produced (MM: NaN3= 65.02g/mol; Na= 22.99g/mol; N2 28.02g/mol

2NaN3> 2Na + 3N2

21.015 g n2


how many moles of 02 should be supplied to burn 1 mol of C3H8( propane) molecules in a camping stove? (think combustion) 

5 mol 02


When sodium chloride reacts with silver nitrate, silver chloride precipitates. How many moles od AgCi  are produced from 75 grams of AgNo3? (MM: AgNO3= 168.888 g/mol; NaCi=58.44 g/mol ; NaNo= 85 g/mol; AgC = 143.32 g/mol) 

NaCI + AgNO3 > AgCI + NaNO3

0.4414 mol agCI