true or false. Solids cant turn into gas before they turn into a liquid.
what is false
what is the name of this this liquid we need to survive
what is water
solids cant always hold their form. True or false
what is false
what is the name of the gas that we need to survive?
what is oxygen
Fill the blank. Ice when melted turns into and if the heats up it turns into ?
ice when heated up turns inro water and if the water heats up it turns into vapor.
What happens if 2 liquids with different volumes mix into a cup?
The liquid with the lightest volume will float and the heaviest will sink
True or false. If cotton candy dissolves in water, it will not dissolve if it is in water.
what is true
witch one of the following is stronger then diamond?
A. Ruby
B. platinum
C. lava
D. none of the above
what is D
when burning wood, the gas it creates is called?
What is smoke
What is the freezing point of water?
what is 30 degrees F Or 0 degrees C
Is gasoline a liquid or a gas
what is liquid
milk can turn into a solid without freezing but with aging. What is the solid called.
what is cheese.
What is true
What is the 4th state of matter?
What is plasma
Witch one of these liquids have the heaviest viscosity.
A. honey
B. cooking oil
C. smoothie
D. maple syrup
what is smoothie