What was the main cause of the apocalypse?
The Georgian Flu
What was the name of the musicians in traveling caravans?
The travelling symphony
What play was being performed when Arthur died?
King Lear
What was the book that the prophet followed?
The book of Revelation
Where was Miranda when she died?
On a beach in Malaysia
Why is Kirsten obsessed with understanding who Arthur is?
He influenced her acting and was kind to her
What lake does the Symphony travel around?
Lake michigan
How many divorces did Arthur have?
What was Clark’s boyfriend’s name?
Who killed the Prophet?
A young boy who worked for him
What was the name of Jeevan’s girlfriend?
What did the prophet do to people if they left his town?
He made empty graves for them
What Island did Arthur grow up on?
Delano Island
Who is V?
Arthur's friend, Victoria
What flowers did Clark’s boyfriend bring him before the apocalypse?
Tiger lilles
How long did the bartender survive?
3 weeks
What was the cause of Kirstens first black knife tattoo?
She was surprised in the forest
What did Arthur regret?
Who is the stowe away? How old is she?
Elenor, 12
What happens to Elizebeth?
What was Miranda’s catchphrase?
"I repent nothing"
Who called Jeevan to warn him about the disease?
What were Arthur’s last words before he died?
"The wren goes to't"
Who is the luckiest man alive?
What was changed by the Symphony in the quote “Hell is other people”?
"Hell is flutes"