Stealth uses an open and close system.
Can you tag up and advance on a caught foul ball?
What is is called when a runner is caught between 2 bases?
What parts of your body should be pointed towards the next base?
Toes, Knees, Hips, Shoulders (need at least 2 of these answers)
What is it called when you are the next player waiting to hit?
On Deck
When coach touches her belly button that is the end (or close) of the signs.
Does the home team bat first or last in the inning?
Who covers first base on a bunt?
Second Base
How many bases are there?
3 (home plate is called a plate, not a base)
What is it called when you hit the ball? (Hint: We have done the drill)
Contact Point
Belly button, one touch, chest is what sign?
What is the distance between the bases?
60 feet
When the ball is hit, where do you always have an opportunity to get an out?
When should you lead off the base?
What is it called if you hit the ball in the air?
Fly ball or pop up
Belly button, two touches, chest is what sign?
What should the batter do if they swing and miss for the third strike and the catcher drops the ball?
Run to first!!
Who covers 2B when a runner steals from 1B?
The Shortstop
You are on 3rd base. The ball is hit to the outfield in the air and you think the player won't catch it. What should you do?
TAG UP ALWAYS AT 3B! (If she misses it you will still score.)
What is a bunt?
When you slide your hand up the bat and move it over the plate early to lightly "tap" the ball into play.
Outs over head with both hands is what sign?
Situation: With zero outs, a runner on third base tags up as a ball is hit to left-center field. As the ball bounces out of the left fielders glove, the runner takes off for home. The center fielder dives and catches the ball before it hits the ground. Does the runner need to return to third?
No, the runner may advance as soon as the ball is touched.
What is the infielder called that takes the throw from the outfielder on a hit?
Two outs....
Two bases
What is it called when the bases are loaded and the batter hits a home run?
Grand Slam