This lovely sea creature using evisceration (a.k.a. taking your insides and making them your outsides) as a defense strategy.
What is a sea cucumber?
"Turn left" does not always mean immediately when using this technology, which this driver in Canada realized a bit too late.
What is Global Positioning System (GPS)?
Name this engineering disaster:
The Hindenburg disaster
Name the musical that featured these fabulous lyrics:
"And when push comes to shove
I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love!"
What is Hamilton?
March 14th
What is Pi day?
The scientific discipline responsible for the controversial decision that resulted in memes like this:
What is astronomy?
This technology gave Beauty the Bald Eagle a fabulous nose job.
What is 3D printing?
This accomplished roboticist and entrepreneur is the first woman to serve as dean of Ohio State's College of Engineering.
Who is Ayanna Howard?
Fallen Astronaut, the only art installation on this celestial body, was intended by the artist to symbolize all of humankind, not serve as a testament to dead astronaut.
What is the moon?
Name the person behind this equation:
Who is Albert Einstein?
Fungus is the dominant partner in the mutualistic relationship that results in this composite organism.
What is lichen?
Hey Siri...Okay Google...Alexa...are all ways to initiate communication with this technology.
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Name this engineering marvel:
Palm Island, Dubai
This famous actor studied marketing and communications at Ohio State:
Who is Richard Lewis?
April 3rd, 2021 (4.3.21) is an example of this concept.
What is a palindromic number?
This Austrian monk is considered the father of modern genetics thanks to discoveries he made experimenting with pea plants.
Who is Gregor Mendel?
The pandemic sucks, but thanks to this technology it did give the world the "I am not a cat" lawyer.
What is videoconference?
Who is Leonardo Da Vinci
Name the painter:
Who is Frida Kahlo?
This digit is both the smallest and the only even prime number.
What is 2?
What is iron oxide?
Emergency alert technology sent residents of this island state into a panic when warnings of an incoming ballistic missile were sent via text, TV and radio.
What is Hawaii?
Offscreen this famous actress laid the foundation for today's communication technology with her invention of a remote-controlled communication system for the U.S. military.
Who is Hedy Lamarr?
Combining photography and science, artist Rachel Sussman documents the worlds oldest living things, including this 3,000 flowering plant from the Andes.
What is llareta (Azorella compacta)?
The geometric concept represented by this image:
What is a Fibonacci spiral?
(Also accepted: Fibonacci sequence or Fibonacci numbers)