The process of breaking down complex molecules in your Thanksgiving meal into simpler ones to release energy is an example of this biological process.
Yeast or bacteria.
Explain why it is easier to use a sharper knife when cutting a pumpkin for the Thanksgiving pumpkin pie.
A sharper knife has a smaller edge surface. We know that smaller surfaces exert more pressure, making it easier to cut.
What particularity regarding the anatomy of turkey contributes to its ability to fly?
Empty bones
This element is abundant in the Earth's crust and is also a key component of the delicious turkey you enjoy on Thanksgiving.
The first Thanksgiving lasted longer than one day. How many times did the Earth rotate around its own axis during the first celebration?
3 times (the feast lasted 3 days)
After indulging in a hearty Thanksgiving meal, this organ in the digestive system is responsible for absorbing nutrients from the food.
The small intestine
The compound responsible for the tangy flavor in cranberries and often used as a preservative in food.
Benzoic acid
What is the max. speed a turkey can develop when running and the max. speed it can develop when flying?
Wild turkeys are fast. They can run 25 miles (40 km) per hour. Wild turkeys can fly at speeds of 55 miles (89 km) per hour— as fast as a car on a highway.
Traditional Thanksgiving foods include turkey, stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes, cornbread, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce. Many people serve pie for dessert at the end of the meal. What macronutrients do these dishes contain?
Proteins, fats and carbohydrates
What is the chemical composition of turkey bones? (main components)
Water, collagen, calcium phosphate
What is the average distance an American travels with the purpose of arriving home for Thanksgiving?
Approx. 770 miles (1239 km)
Name the kingdom, phylum and class of turkey.
Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Chordata
Class - Aves
What determines the shape and viscosity of cranberry sauce and what separates a viscous sauce from a sliceble mold?
Polymerization of pectin
What is the principle that expains why your Thanksgiving leftovers stay warm in an isolated container?
The conservation of heat (thermal energy)