
Define science.

Study of nature and behavior of natural things. Knowledge obtained about nature. Answering questions about the world.


Piece of technology used in scientific labs that helps magnify small objects, particles, etc in order to study them.

Microscopes or magnifiers

Field that solves problems using math and science. Professionals in this field come up with creative and efficient ways to solve problems.

What is engineering? Who are engineers?


Group of sciences that study numbers, shapes, and their relationships.

What are mathematics?


One of the most well-known engineering disasters that claimed the lives of more than 1500 people after a collision with an iceberg.

What was the Titanic?


Define scientific method.

Process for experimenting and testing hypotheses.


How to communicate with computers. What we use to build websites, apps, video games, etc.

What is coding?


Degree that must be completed to become an engineer.

What is a bachelor's degree (4 year degree)?


When Lisa was 6 years old, her sister Lucy was half her age. If Lisa is 40 years old today, how old is Lucy?

Lucy is 37 years old


What is 2 plus 2?



Biggest difference between life science and physical science.

Life science applies to living beings and physical science applies to non-living things.


Explain the importance of technology in STEM subjects.

Some ideas are: Being comfortable with technology will allow us to become innovative and creative when thinking of ways to solve problems. New technology can be created to help solve tough issues.


Type of engineering that designs and develops new space telescopes, space aircrafts, etc in order to better investigate space.

What is Aerospace Engineering?


I am an odd number. Take away one letter and I become even. What number am I?

7; seven-s=even


Biological science is a branch of this science.

What is life science?


Name 3 of the scientific method steps (not necessarily in order).

Purpose/Question, Research, Hypothesis, Experiment, Data/Analysis, Conclusion


Person credited with creating new wave of hand-held technology in early 2000s that is still prevalent today. The company has a fruit for their logo.

Who is Steve Jobs (Apple)?


Type of engineering that oversees the construction of buildings and structures that make up our world i.e highways, skyscrapers, railways.

What is Civil Engineering?


The total cost of a pair of shoes and a hoodie is $150. The hoodie costs $100 more than the pair of shoes does. How much does each item cost?

Hoodie = $125

Shoes = $25


Company founded by Elon Musk who launched a Falcon 9 rocket with two NASA astronauts into orbit and docked at the International Space Station.

What is SpaceX?

Explain how STEM subjects relate to each other.

Science helps engineers create different technology using math that helps to solve real-world problems.


Describe how technology and science are related or interact with each other.

Understanding the science of the world and how they work have helped us create technology, which in turn helps us discover more information about our world. Technology can help us study things that are hard for human senses to pick up like microscopes and telescopes.


Both scientists and engineers use math, science, and technology in their careers. Explain how scientists and engineers are different.

Engineers are take math, science, and tech to create things to solve problems. Scientists are trying to answer questions and better understand our world.


Name 3 branches of mathematics. 

Algebra, Geometry, Trigonomentry, Calculus, Statistics, Arithmetic


What is the purpose of STEM?

Develop expertise or interest in each individual field, while also developing the ability to work across all disciplines. Allows us to work with each part of STEM to understand all parts of STEM.