Bodily Fluids
Hammers and Pliers and Saws, Oh My (the CBR Toolkit)
A Stem Cell a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me a Match
These cells give rise to the blood and immune system.
What are hematopoietic stem cells?
This connects baby to their mother during gestation.
What is the umbilical cord?
This is the name of CBR’s proprietary anticoagulant
What is lyophilized heparin?
A general term for a cancer of the blood
What is leukemia?
The number of HLA factors contributed by each parent to their child.
What is three?
This stem cell resource is taken shortly after a baby is born.
What is umbilical cord blood and/or tissue?
Used for over 40 years to aid patients suffering from leukemia.
What is bone marrow?
This device allows the collector to push out tissue and clots that may block the flow of blood during the collection & thus contributes to a higher collection volume.
What is the ActiveFlo Chamber?
DAILY DOUBLE! Using stem cells for a condition such as Cerebral Palsy is an example of this application of medicine.
What is regenerative medicine?
The odds of a full-blooded sibling being a perfect genetic match.
What is 1 in 4?
These cells give rise to the structural and connective tissues.
What are mesenchymal stem cells?
Many of us have too much of this low-grade source of mesenchymal stem cells.
What is adipose tissue?
This feature provides a sterile method for clearing residual blood from the tubing after the collection and helps to ensure that the collected blood clears the tubing and ends up in the bag
What is the Sterile Clearance Vent?
Using stem cells in treatment of cancer such as leukemia is an example of this application of medicine.
What is transplant medicine?
DAILY DOUBLE! These two drawbacks can occur if no relatives are suitable donors and a doctor expands their search to the public pool.
What is the search can prolong time to treatment? and What is not all patients end up finding a donor?
These newborn stem cells are being researched in the field of regenerative medicine.
What are MSCs and HSCs?
DAILY DOUBLE! This is the average amount of blood contained in an umbilical cord.
What is 70cc?
DAILY DOUBLE! This device allows for detection in case the needle is lost
What is the Radiopaque Needle Cover?
Using a person's own stem cells is referred to as this.
What is autologous?
After chemotherapy and radiation destroys the disease-causing cells, this is how the cord blood is transplanted.
What is through a simple intravenous (IV) infusion?
DAILY DOUBLE! These are two advantages of newborn stem cells.
What is they have low risk of viral contamination? What is they have the ability to differentiate into various cell types? What is they have a high proliferation capacity? What is they have a low risk of tumor formation? What is they have capacity for autologous transplantation? What is they have established/proven treatment in human patients?
An alternative to traditional bone marrow harvesting, this method uses drugs to induce hematopoietic stem cells to move from the bone marrow into the blood.
What is peripheral blood collection?
These are 3 reasons why CBR’s proprietary anticoagulant, lyophilized heparin (LH), is advantageous over the commonly used liquid citrate phosphate dextrose (CPD)
What is accurate view of collection volume? What is preserves cell viability and concentration during transit? What is results in highest published average cell recovery rates?
A treatment using cells from a donor is this type of stem cell transplant.
What is allogeneic?
These are the three HLA matching possibilities amongst siblings.
What are 6/6, 3/6, or 0/6?