Cycle questions
Cycle questions
Engineering materials (Hard)
Engineering careers

This is the first step in the engineering design process, where you identify the problem or need.

What is "Ask"?


This step involves gathering information to better understand the problem or solution.

What is "Research"?


Engineers use this common material, known for its strength and light weight, in aircraft construction.

What is "aluminum"?


This branch of engineering focuses on the design and development of software and computer systems.

What is "computer engineering"?


The cycle of these steps in the engineering process is iterative, meaning it repeats until the best solution is found.

What are "Ask, Research, Imagine, Plan, Create, Test, and Improve"?


After creating a prototype, this step is where engineers check if the solution works as intended.

What is "Test"?


During this step, engineers may use sketches or CAD software to bring their ideas to life visually.

What is "Imagine"?


This type of synthetic material, often used in textiles and electronics, is created by linking monomers into polymers.

What is "plastic"?


 In this field, engineers work on projects involving bridges, roads, and other infrastructure.

What is "civil engineering"?


This is the name given to the entire sequence of steps engineers use to solve problems.

What is the "Engineering Design Process"?


In this step, engineers brainstorm potential solutions before choosing the best one.

What is "Imagine"?


When an engineer takes the feedback from a test and modifies the design, they are performing this step.

What is "Improve"?


Known for its ability to conduct electricity, this material is essential in the construction of electrical circuits.

What is "copper"?


This type of engineering is concerned with the extraction and processing of raw materials like oil and gas.

What is "petroleum engineering"?


True or False: The engineering design process is a linear process that goes in a straight line from start to finish.

What is "False"?


Once a solution is selected, engineers create detailed designs and blueprints in this step.

What is "Plan"?


Engineers often repeat this step after making improvements to verify that changes have fixed the problem

What is "Test"?


Engineers use this material, made from sand, soda ash, and limestone, to create transparent structures.

What is "glass"?


Engineers in this field focus on the development of medical devices and technologies.

What is "biomedical engineering"?


True or False: During the "Imagine" phase, engineers should only focus on one solution to ensure they stay on track.

What is "False"? (Engineers are encouraged to brainstorm multiple solutions during the "Imagine" phase.)


This step involves building a prototype or model of the solution.

What is "Create"?


This is what engineers might do after completing the "Plan" step to ensure they have the necessary materials and tools.

What is "Create"?


This composite material, made from woven fibers and resin, is strong and used in high-performance sports equipment.

What is "carbon fiber"?


This engineer is credited with inventing the telephone, revolutionizing global communication in the late 19th century.

Who is "Alexander Graham Bell"?


True or False: Engineers typically move through the design process in a strict order without ever going back to previous steps.

What is "False"? (The design process is iterative, and engineers often revisit steps as needed.)