Boiling water turns into this
The first Movie with Gru and his yellow minions
Despicable Me
Texas is one of 50 of THESE in the USA
Where can you visit to see lots of animals?
The zoo
double Jeopardy: does 0 have a value?
No, zero has no value
Including Pluto, how many planets are in the solar system
(Double Jeopardy if you name them!)
(Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto)
The movie about a fish finding his son
Finding Nemo
Who is the president of the United States right now?
Joe Biden
What do bees make?
(double Jeopardy if you can name a second thing!)
Honey and bee’s wax
An animal only eats meat, so it is called a…
The movie about a princess under the sea
The Little Mermaid
Who was the first president?
George Washington
How many legs does a spider have?
Ms. Lau bought 2 bags of apples, each bag had 8 apples. How many apples does she have in total?
A thermometer measures temperature, it can read two different temps. What are they called?
Half points: C and F
Full points: Celsius and Fahrenheit
Movie about a race car who gets lost
(Double Jeopardy if you can name the town he gets lost in)
(Radiator springs)
Finish this rhyme:
Columbus sailed the ocean blue in…
What is the fastest land animal?
A cheetah
Each Jeopardy group today got 2 pizzas, how many pizzas did the class get in total?
10! Because we add 2 pizzas 5 times
If you are a scientist who studies dinosaurs and their bones, you are called a
Movie about a red-suit wearing family who fights crime
The Incredibles
He is on the penny and the $5 bill
Double Jeopardy: Give me a fun fact about this man!
Abraham Lincoln
What is a doe?
A female deer
When you add two numbers together, what is the result called?
The sum