we must have our needs met to be motivated to make good choices or be expected to act with certain interests in mind
What is Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
The Cell Phone Policy
What is only in an emergency and communicating with the CUSD team with 1 strike and you are out!
The time you are expected to be on campus in the morning
What is 8:30am
The number one rule, above all else
Safety, first, last and always!
The variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to ensure that their classroom runs smoothly
What is classroom management
Equity is the action, Equality is the result
What is the JEDI Initiative
The Tuesday Requirement
What is the weekly TA Team Meetings
The day that absent students need to be identified and communicated on GroupMe
What is Monday
The item you must always have stocked and on you while in camp
The students participation in the class guidelines
What is the classroom agreement
Adverse Childhood Experience (ACES)
What are Aspects of a child’s environment and/or a potentially traumatic event that occurs during ages 0-17
The location of all important student documents
What is the class packet
An engagement strategy
What is connecting learning to real world, getting the kids moving, asking good questions, giving them a say, being personable
A child explaining a situation at home that makes them feel scared, then showing you a bruise a parent created
What is mandatory reporting
Noticing behavioral changes, mood shifts, facial expressions and potential hazards
What is awareness and observation
Health, gender, race, socioeconomic status, faith/beliefs, etc,
What are intersectionalities that impact behavior
Making sure all basic materials are restocked, class specific materials are in the room and the classroom is cleaned/prepped for next week
What is the End of the Week Checklist
Students hold onto this while transition from here to there
What is a lead rope
The form that is filled out a student falls and scraps their knee, needing a bandaid
What is the injury report
Moving closer to their seat, quick name drop, or touching their desk
What are examples of disruptive interventions
Theory of Justice that focuses on mediation and agreement through cooperation and constructive changes from all parties.
What is restorative justice
In the event of an accident or illness, guardians will be notified and will be asked to pick their child up from camp and arrange medical care for their child
What is the 100% Wellness Policy
The ability to actively listen, empathetically connect, and be clear/concise
What is good communication
First step of the missing child protocol
What is alerting the director/assistant director that we have an emergency
Practices that lead to a safe, positive learning environment
What are proactive strategies for classroom management