Is there homework in 5th grade?
Yes, there is nightly homework (which includes reading) and a weekly homework sheet.
What are some things you will learn about in writing during our ELA Block?
*Personal narrative
*readers theater
Do you use Google Classroom in fifth grade?
Yes, all teachers use it in some way to post activities, communicate, etc.
Who will the fourth 5th grade teacher be?
We do not know yet who the fourth 5th grade teacher will be. We do know that they will be teaming up with Mrs.Barron and Mrs. Case and Ms. Cronin will be teaming up.
Do you have morning meetings?
Yes all teachers have morning meetings.
What are some new things you will learn in math?
*Expressions, Equations & Volume
*Adding & Subtracting Fractions
*Place Value & Decimals
*Multiplying & Dividing (Whole Numbers & Decimals)
*Multiplying & Dividing Fractions
*Graphing, Geometry & Volume
*Division & Decimals
Solar Design
What is something fifth graders can do in the morning if they want to?
Morning announcements
This teacher loves beekeeping and gardening?
Mrs. Barron
Is there WIN Block in 5th grade?
Yes, there is WIN Block in 5th grade.
What are some things I will learn about in science?
*Physical Science - Mixtures and Solutions
*Earth Science - Earth and Sun
*Life Science - Living Systems
What other fun things happen in fifth grade?
We go on a field trip, this year we went to Sturbridge Village.
This teacher coaches the Junior Varsity girls lacrosse team at LHS?
Ms Cronin
What will switching classes look like in 5th grade?
5th grade switching classes will look very similar to 4th grade. Two teachers will team up. One will teach Science and Math and the other will teach ELA and Social Studies.
What are some things I will learn about in Social Studies?
*The Early colonization and the growth of colonies
*Reasons for the revolution, the Revolutionary War, and the formation of government
*United States government
*Growth of the Republic
*Slavery, the legacy of the Civil War and the struggle for civil rights for all
What is something special about Field Day in fifth grade?
Mr. Bradshaw picks 5th graders to be torch runners and flag runners.
This teacher was raised in Florida and has a 4th grade son, going in to fifth grade at Center?
Mrs. Case
How do you switch classes?
We usually line up by the lockers outside of each classroom.
What are some things I will learn about in Reading during our ELA Block?
*Launch of Readers’ Workshop: Realistic Fiction
*Readers Understand Nonfiction: Using text structures to understand expository, informational, and narrative nonfiction.
*Rea*ders Study Character
*Argument & Advocacy
*Poetry and Drama
Fantasy Themes & Symbols
What are some Pack Leader Jobs?
Safety/live line, Kindergarten helper, gym helper, first grade helper, art helper, music helper and more.
This is the resource teacher and she loves The Wizard of Oz?
Mrs. Pitoniak