What percentage is considered an A at Hoover?
90% and up
What is the capital of Mexico?
Mexico City
GOAT is an acronym for what?
Greatest of all time
What was George Washington’s middle name?
He didn’t have one
What social media app is this?
About how many students go to Hoover Middle School?
about 1000 students
What is the biggest desert in Africa?
The Sahara
Someone’s charm or flirting skills
What was the first video game exported from the Soviet Union to the US?
What video game is this?
Who is the school named after?
Paella is a rice dish from what country?
Iykyk stands for…?
If you know, you know
What animal is the only flying mammal?
What movie are they from?
Inside Out
What is Hoover’s mascot?
The Hawk
Which country is home to the most volcanos?
What is the method to restructure your jawline by pressing their tongue to the roof of your mouth?
Which fruit is slightly radioactive due to its high potassium content?
This is from what album cover?
Happier Than Ever - Billy Eilish
Hoover has a rewards system where students can earn this...
The longest noodle ever made was how long?
about 10,000 ft
If you are consuming too much meaningless, overstimulating content online, you might fall victim to…?
How far is the earth from the sun?
94 million miles
What's his catchphrase?
What's up, brother?