Steph’s family
What is Steph’s sisters name?
Who is Theresa
who is steph’s favorite singer?
who is ariana
who is steph’s least favorite ex?
who is br*an
What is Steph’s middle name?
Name the ex who told Steph “I hope you had a good time” when they broke up, and Steph said she would leave a Yelp review
Who is Musa
What is Steph’s body count
what is 6
how many times has steph been black out drunk?
Where do Steph’s estranged cousins on her dads side live?
Where is Brazil
Name everything steph is allergic to
(general categories accepted)
What is peanuts, tree nuts, pollen, cats, fruit with pits, dust mites, penicillin
how many hair colors has steph had? (including colors as a result of fading?)
(brown, blonde, pink, purple, teal, silver, red, ginger)