The number of siblings Stephen has
What is 0
Stephen is technically a part of this Sector
What is Mixed-Use
What is cookie?
Stephen just got back from vacationing here
Where is Mexico
He prefers to live in this emotion state
What is happiness
Stephen grew up in a suburb of this city
What is Chicago
Stephen is a Career Manager to this bright young star.
Who is Chris Gomez
What is Red
Stephen is wearing this many rings today
What is 3?
Stephen really enjoys the snow and mountains, and wouldn't mind living in this middle American state
What is Colorado
Stephen attended this Texas university
What is Texas Tech
Stephen will be celebrating this many years with DLR Group in October
What is 13 years
What is dog?
Stephen recently gave up soda including this yummy brand featuring 23 flavors
What is Dr. Pepper
Stephen is a big Bernie Sanders fan and would live is this state which he happens to represent
What is Vermont
Stephen had his first official girlfriend in this elemtary grade
What is 3rd Grade, her name was Cari
Stephen has sealed about this many drawing sets?
What is 400?
Kind of Chicken
What is Buffalo
Stephen's entire outfit today was purchased at this department store at Northpark
What is Nordstroms
Stephen loves this state, home of his 2023 World Series winning favorite baseball team
What is Texas
Stephen was born in this year
What is 1987
Stephen gained his licensure in this year?
What is 2019?
Stephen enjoys this middle name that starts with J
What is Jacob
What is Oregon?