Acquisition vs. Learning
Comprehensible Input
Monitoring Language
Emotional Factors
Natural Order of Acquisition

What is the primary characteristic of language acquisition according to Krashen?

Language acquisition is a subconscious process, similar to how children naturally learn their first language.


What does Krashen mean by the term "comprehensible input"?

Comprehensible input is language that learners can understand, even if it's slightly above their current level.


What is the primary function of the "monitor" in Krashen's Monitor Hypothesis?

The monitor's primary function is to correct and edit language output consciously.


What does Krashen's Affective Filter Hypothesis suggest about the role of emotions in language acquisition?

The Affective Filter Hypothesis suggests that emotions like anxiety, motivation, and self-confidence can either facilitate or hinder language acquisition.


What does Krashen's Natural Order Hypothesis suggest about the sequence of language acquisition?

The Natural Order Hypothesis suggests that language is acquired in a predictable sequence, with some grammatical structures being acquired earlier than others.


According to Krashen, which is more effective for language development: acquisition through natural communication or learning through formal instruction?

Acquisition through natural communication is more effective for language development than learning through formal instruction.


What does the formula "i+1" represent in Krashen’s Input Hypothesis?

"i+1" represents input that is just beyond the learner's current level of understanding (i), which helps them progress in language acquisition.


When is the monitor most effectively used according to Krashen?

The monitor is most effectively used in situations where there is enough time to think about language use, such as in writing or rehearsed speech.


What happens when a learner has a high affective filter according to Krashen?

When a learner has a high affective filter, they are less likely to acquire language effectively because their emotional barriers block the processing of comprehensible input.


According to Krashen, does explicit instruction influence the natural order of language acquisition?

No, explicit instruction does not change the natural order of language acquisition; learners acquire grammatical structures in a predetermined sequence regardless of teaching methods.


What does Krashen suggest is not necessary for language acquisition, but is often emphasized in traditional learning environments?

Krashen suggests that extensive use of conscious grammatical rules and drills is not necessary for language acquisition.


According to Krashen, why is providing comprehensible input crucial in language acquisition?

Providing comprehensible input is crucial because it allows learners to acquire new language naturally by understanding messages that are slightly beyond their current competence.


Krashen argues that over-reliance on the monitor can have negative effects. What is one such effect?

Over-reliance on the monitor can hinder fluency, making spontaneous communication more difficult and less natural.


Name one strategy a teacher can use to lower the affective filter in the classroom.

A teacher can create a supportive and low-stress classroom environment, for example, by encouraging participation without fear of making mistakes and by showing appreciation for students' efforts.


Give an example of a grammatical structure that is typically acquired early according to the Natural Order Hypothesis.

An example of an early-acquired structure is the use of the present progressive ("-ing") form in English.


How does Krashen describe the relationship between language acquisition and language learning in terms of fluency and accuracy?

Krashen describes language acquisition as the primary source of fluency, while language learning contributes to accuracy through monitoring and correcting output.


What are some strategies teachers can use to ensure they are providing comprehensible input in the classroom?

Teachers can use visual aids, gestures, simplified language, and context to make sure the input is understandable to learners.


What are the three conditions Krashen identifies for the monitor to function effectively?

The three conditions are: (1) the learner must know the rule, (2) they must be focused on correctness, and (3) they must have enough time to apply the rule.


According to Krashen, how does motivation influence the affective filter and language acquisition?

Higher motivation generally lowers the affective filter, making it easier for learners to process and retain language input, which in turn enhances language acquisition.


How should teachers approach grammar instruction knowing that learners acquire structures in a natural order?

Teachers should focus on providing comprehensible input and opportunities for natural communication rather than trying to force the acquisition of specific grammatical structures in a particular sequence.


What is one of the key criticisms Krashen has about relying too much on language learning in educational settings?

Krashen criticizes that overemphasis on conscious learning can lead to over-monitoring, which hinders fluency and makes spontaneous communication more difficult.


Krashen argues that learners acquire language by understanding messages, not by focusing on grammar. How does this belief influence the way teachers should approach language instruction?

This belief suggests that teachers should prioritize providing rich, understandable content rather than focusing on explicit grammar instruction, allowing students to naturally acquire the language.


In what way does the Monitor Hypothesis suggest a balance between acquisition and learning is necessary for effective language use?

The Monitor Hypothesis suggests that while conscious learning (monitoring) can help improve accuracy, true language fluency relies more on acquisition, so a balance is needed to ensure that monitoring does not interfere with natural communication.


How can the concept of the affective filter explain the difference in language acquisition success between different learners in the same classroom?

The concept of the affective filter explains that learners with lower anxiety, higher motivation, and greater self-confidence will have a lower affective filter, allowing them to acquire language more effectively than those with higher emotional barriers, even if they are exposed to the same input.


What is one implication of the Natural Order Hypothesis for language assessment in the classroom?

An implication is that teachers should assess language development holistically, understanding that students may naturally acquire certain grammatical structures later, even if they have been taught earlier, and that this is a normal part of the acquisition process.