United States Presidents
Animal Crackers

This bread is the only bread observers of Passover are allowed to eat during the holiday.

What is Matzah?


This member of the Beatles was assassinated in 1980. He wore some pretty cool shades too.

Who is John Lennon?


He was the first president. If you get this wrong i will immediately deduct all your points to zero.

Who is George Washington?


This film cinched the top spot as the highest grossing movie of all time BACK from Avengers: Endgame in 2021 thanks to reruns of the movie in China.

What is Avatar?


Despite mainly living in the African savanna, this animal is referred to as the "King of the Jungle".

What is Lion?


Immediately following the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana, this holiday is the day of atonement for Jews.

What is Yom Kippur?


The record for most WWE world championship title reigns is shared between two people: Ric Flair, and this wrestler turned Hollywood star.

Who is John Cena?


This president may be most well remembered for his "Watergate Scandal".

Who is Richard Nixon?

This is the only R rated movie to gross a billion dollars (so far).

What is Joker?


This animal is responsible for around 500 human deaths a year, and has the highest bite force of any land mammal.

What is Hippopotamus? 


In March of 1922, Judith Kaplan became the first Jewish girl to ever have one of these ceremonies.

What is Bat Mitzvah?


This country singer is known for songs about topics ranging from mountains in Colorado to roads leading to West Virginia

Who is John Denver?



This President signed the Compromise of 1850 into law, and sought re-election under the Know Nothing party.

Who is Millard Fillmore?


This film is the only in Academy Awards history to win the Oscar for Best International Film AND Best Film.

What is Parasite?


Don't be misled! Despite the name, this animal is most closely related to the llama. They will defy gravity just to get a lick of salt.

What is Mountain Goat?


Abraham, the first Jew, was commanded by god to perform this operation on himself with a stone.

What is circumcision? 


This actor from The Office has become a notable director as well. SHHH.

Who is John Krasinski?


He was the only president (so far) to serve non-consecutive terms.

Who is Grover Cleveland?


Tommy Wiseau acted and directed in a movie that is considered to be the worst movie of all time, "The Room". This film in 2017 was based on a book of the same name, detailing the experience of creating the movie.

What is The Disaster Artist?


This animal is perfectly adapted to its environment, with amazing adaptations such as being able to shut their nostrils closed, and three sets of eyelids. Their most defining feature can weigh up to 80 pounds alone.

What is Camel?


This Jewish diaspora population was displaced to northern/eastern Europe during the middle ages. (Hint - I am one of these)

What are Ashkenazi Jews?


This English philosopher is known as the "Father of Liberalism". Life, Liberty, and Property anyone?

Who is John Locke?


Only two presidents have come from the state of Vermont: Chester A. Arthur and this "silent" President.

Who is Calvin Coolidge? 


Wes Anderson has directed plenty of movies, including this film in which Bill Murray plays a parody version of Jacques Cousteau out to avenge his best friend's death, caused by a "jaguar shark".

What is The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou?


This animal relies heavily on their sense of smell and their hearing, as their eyesight is incredibly poor. Although not technically a unicorn, they are closely related to horses.

What is Rhinoceros?