Name this popular beach game that uses a net and a ball.
What is Volleyball?
This subject teaches you facts using addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division.
What is math?
What is the Boys Town skill where you say "Ok!" and do what is asked right away?
What is Following Instructions?
What is the name of our Food Corps instructor?
Who is Ms. Ali?
Who is our teacher doing Bubble experiments?
Who is Mrs Keppy?
Name this popular destination that requires people to wear a swim suit to get in.
What is the pool?
What subject uses paint, chalk, crayons, markers, and clay to create projects?
What is Art?
What boys town skill do you ask the person later if you disagree with what they said?
What is Accepting "No" for an Answer?
What is the name of the part of the plant that absorbs water and anchors the plant in the ground?
What is the Roots?
Who is our teacher who is helping with our garden?
Who is Ms. Ali?
What is sunscreen?
Where do students eat their mid day meal at in school?
What is the cafeteria?
What is the appropriate way to get your teacher's attention using Boys Town?
What is Raising Your Hand?
What is a Tomato?
Who is our teacher that we made Elephant Toothpaste with?
Who is Ms. Autumn and Ms. Sammi?
What holiday do we celebrate in the summer with fireworks and cook outs?
What is the 4th of July?
What is the Library?
What is the appropriate way to start an apology using Boys Town?
What is "I'm sorry for..."/"I want to apologize for..."?
What is the vegetable that is yellow and grows on a cob?
What is Corn?
What group did you check out a book from this week to take home to read?
Who is the Davenport Public Library?
What is a Popsicle/ice cream?
What subject gets you active and moving while learning about different sports?
What is Gym?
What is the appropriate way to ask permission using Boys Town?
What is "May I...?"
What is the name of this vegetable that people have carved designs into for Halloween?
What is a pumpkin?
Who is our teacher that helps with field trips and announcements each day?
Who is Mr. Macksey?