Name that Controversy

In this Disney princess film, the portrayal of Indigenous characters as mystical and connected to nature perpetuates the stereotype of the "noble savage.

What is "Pocahontas"


This team from Chicago has faced criticism for their use of Indigenous imagery in their team name and logo, perpetuating stereotypes and disregarding the cultural significance of Indigenous symbols.

Who are the Chicago "Blackhawks"?


Through the rivalry between the Greasers and the Socs, this novel explores stereotypes about social class and identity among teenagers in the 1960s

What is "The Outsiders"?


This Supercell character wears an eagle over his head and fights using a bow and arrows, he is portrayed to have strong spiritual connections, and be full of wisdom.

Who is "Bo"?


A picture was taken at an “Arabian Nights”-themed gala. It shows our Prime Minister Trudeau, wearing a turban and robes with his face, neck and hands completely darkened.

What was "Blackface"?


These Star Wars creatures are native to the forest moon of Endor, one of nine that orbit the Outer Rim planet.

What are "Ewoks"?


In 2020, this American football team changed their name to the "commanders" 

Who are the "Washington Redskins"


This semi-autobiographical novel by by Sherman Alexie follows the experiences of Arnold Spirit Jr, a young Native American boy who leaves his reservation to attend an all-white high school. Challenging  stereotypes about Indigenous people while exploring themes of identity, culture, and resilience.

What is "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian"


A children's game involving mock pursuits, gunfights, and killings as though between colonizers and Indigenous people.

What is "Cowboys and Indians"?


This controversial campaign, launched by a major fashion brand in 2018, featured an advertisement depicting a black child wearing a hoodie with the phrase "coolest monkey in the jungle," sparking outrage and accusations of racial insensitivity.

What is the H&M "Coolest Monkey" hoodie controversy?


In the movie Avatar (2007), this blue skinned species is native to the planet Pandora. They hold deep connections to nature particularly the mother tree "Eywa'

Who are the "Na'vi"


Athletes from this country are stereotyped as being skilled in table tennis, with a reputation for producing agile and precise players.

What is China?


A novel by Canadian writer Richard Wagamese, published by Douglas & McIntyre in 2012. The novel centres on "Saul", a First Nations boy from Ontario

What is "Indian Horse"?


This game by Capcom has a large roster of stereotyped characters such as: Dhalsim, E. Honda, Zangief, Vega

What is "Street Fighter"?


In the early 20th century, this government policy led to the forced relocation and internment of over 100,000 Japanese Americans, driven by stereotypes of Japanese Americans as disloyal and potential threats to national security.

What are Japanese American internment camps during World War II?


This popular Marvel film, released in 2018, has been both praised for its representation of Indigenous culture and criticized for perpetuating the stereotype of Indigenous peoples as mystical and spiritually enlightened.

What is "Black Panther"?


This country is often associated with excellence in long-distance running, with athletes stereotyped as having a natural advantage due to their genetics and upbringing at high altitudes.

What is Kenya?


This non-fiction book (that we read part of at the start of the year) combines Indigenous storytelling with scientific insights to explore the between humans and the natural world. The book challenges stereotypes about Indigenous cultures and offers a new perspective on sustainability and stewardship.

What is "Braiding Sweetgrass"?


 This tabletop role-playing game setting features Indigenous-inspired cultures, often portrayed as primitive or mystical, with characters conforming to stereotypes of Indigenous peoples as noble savages or spiritual guides.

What is "Dungeons and Dragons"?


This landmark Supreme Court case, decided in 1896, upheld racial segregation laws, legitimizing the doctrine of "separate but equal" and perpetuating stereotypes of African Americans as inferior and deserving of separate treatment.

What is Plessy v. Ferguson?


The song "What Made the Red Man Red" caused this movie to be seen as “racist and offensive” due to its exaggerated stereotypes.

What is "Peter Pan"


A sports celebration most popularly used by fans of the Atlanta Braves baseball team, and the Kansas City Chiefs American football team. Involving moving the forearm forwards and backwards repeatedly with an open palm

What is the "Tomahawk Chop"


This classic novel features the character of Calpurnia, who serves as the housekeeper for the Finch family and embodies the stereotype of the "magical 'black character'," providing wisdom and guidance to white characters.

What is "To Kill a Mockingbird"


This video game features a character named Connor, a member of the Mohawk tribe, who is depicted as a stoic and skilled assassin fighting against British and American forces during the Revolutionary War, perpetuating stereotypes of Indigenous people as noble savages.

What is "Assassins Creed III"?


Following the September 11 terrorist attacks, this controversial policy implemented by the U.S. government targeted individuals perceived to be Muslim or Middle Eastern for increased scrutiny and surveillance, perpetuating stereotypes of Muslims as terrorists.

What is the Muslim travel ban or the implementation of the USA PATRIOT Act?