A neat, smartly dressed musical performer like 50 Cent or Eminem
dapper rapper
"Yesterday, Dec. 7, 1941, a day which will live in infamy"
Franklin D. Roosevelt
A lobster struts around the ocean with this many legs
This crop failure caused a famine in Ireland between the years 1846 and 1851
To create a sourdough starter, all you need is two things, flour and this.
A magazine story about a neutron or proton
Article Particle
"It takes more than a bullet to kill a bull moose"
Theodore Roosevelt
A dazzling group of stars that forms imaginary pictures in the night sky, is called this
The first machine a farmer uses during the year is this machine
Unbaked bread is also called this
An egotistical person from Copenhagen
Vane Dane
"To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace"
George Washington
The Great pyramids are parked right beside this city.
Typically, a cow should be milked this many times in a day
The baguette originated in this country
Early bird, caller, dauber, free space
Bingo Lingo
Richard Nixon
An adult has this many pearly whites. -teeth
Sheep shearing season begins in this month
Bread sticks originate form this country
An unpleasant smelling liquid nourishment for your body.
Stink Drink
"Read my lips, no new taxes"
George H.W. Bush
Worker bees in a bee hive are this gender.
If castles have been "polled" it means that this has been removed from them.
This cake is commonly known to not contain any egg yolks, only the whites.
Angel Food Cake