Land Acknowledgement
Prayer & Scripture
The Heart of a River

One way we can respect and honour the land we live on is by...

By taking only what we need to preserve it for future generations.

Recognizing that the land doesn't belong to us, but we are part of it.

Doing things that protect and revitalize the planet.


How does prayer help us as stewards of the Earth?

Reminds us of our responsibilities.

Deepens our connections and understanding with the land.

Inspires us to respect and care for the planet.


The natural element that is the central focus in the book.

The Columbia River


Why is it necessary to acknowledge the Indigenous peoples who have cared for the land?

To respect and honor their stewardship.

To learn from their traditions.

Te recognize its historical significance to the Indigenous peoples.


Why do we ask for blessings in community prayer?

To bring unity and peace.

To encourage harmony and understanding between people.


The river in the book symbolizes...

A journey of change and restoration

A connection: river with its surroundings


What is one principle to caring for the land that we can learn from Indigenous teachings?

To take only what we need and leave enough for others.

Ensuring the land remains healthy for future generations.


What's one thing we can ask in prayer to reflect on our relationship with the Earth?

Strength to care for and protect our environment.

Wisdom and knowledge to understand our role as stewards.


The main lesson from the book.

We must find our way through obstacles and challenges, just like the Columbia River.