Generals Who Became President
Famous Generals
American Civil War
DAILY DOUBLE...  Name of one of the three Civil Rights Leaders who were assassinated (gunned down) during the 1960s...

Who are "Malcolm X" (1965),  "Martin Luther King Jr."(1968),  "Robert F. Kennedy" (1968)  ???


He led the Continental Armies & Navies against the British forces during the Revolution, and went on to become our nation's 1st president...

Who is "George Washington"?


DAILY TRIPLE... HE was born into a noble Roman family, was an ambitious politician, and rose to power in the middle of civil war.  After conquering Gaul (France), HE returned to Rome, defeated his main rival Pompey the Great, and had himself named dictator, an office which gave him extraordinary powers.  He was assassinated on "the Ides of March" (March 15th) in 1 BC...


He was the president of the United States from 1861-1865, during the American Civil War...

Who is "Abraham Lincoln"?


Bobby Orr played defense for THIS Boston team...

Who are the "Boston Bruins"?


Following WWII, THIS European country was split into 2 countries: "East ____ & West _____.  In 1990, THIS country was reunited after the Berlin Wall was opened up...

What is "GERMANY"?


DAILY DOUBLE...   He led the Allied armies in Europe during WWII, and went on to become our nation's 34th president (1953-1961)...

Who is "Dwight Eisenhower"?

One of the finest generals in history, _______ became king of Macedon, in northern Greece.  At age 20 his father Philip II was murdered (in 336 BC).  HE created an empire which stretched from Greece to northern India.  He died at age 32.  HE came to be known as "_______ the Great"...

Who is "Alexander"?

DAILY DOUBLE... In 1865, the Union captured the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia, and Gen. Robert E. ___ surrendered to Gen. Ulysses S. ______.  

Who are "Lee" and "Grant"?


Tom Brady is considered to the G.O.A.T. in football.  "G.O.A.T." stands for THIS...

What is "Greatest Of All Time"?

The name of the town in North Carolina, where the Wright Brothers flew the first airplane, on December 17, 1903...

What is "Kitty Hawk"?


He led the Union armies during the American Civil War, and went on to become our nation's 18th president...

Who is "Ulysses S. Grant"?


_____ was the leader of the Huns -- nomadic warriors from Central Asia who had settled in what is now Hungary.  HE lived from 410 - 453.  HE united the Huns and led them on a series of raids, plundering everything in their path and striking fear into the hearts of the Romans...

Who is "ATTILA"   "Attila the Hun" ??


T or F: "About 620,000 Americans died during the American Civil War, more than in any other conflict, including both world wars combined."

What is "TRUE"?


Babe Ruth is THIS sport's most famous player...

What is "BASEBALL"?


We (participants at SSI) often go hiking at "The Meadow".   We call it the Meadow, but the rest of Hanover calls it "_________ Field."

What is "Sylvester"?


He was the victorious general who led America over Britain in the Battle of New Orleans, during the War of 1812.  His picture is on the $20 bill.  He went on to become our nation's 7th president.  

Who is "Andrew Jackson"?


Octavian founded the Roman Empire in 27 BC.  He ruled as its first emperor, under the name _______ which meant "the revered one"...  The 8th month is named after him...

Who is "Augustus"    "Augustus Caesar"?


He was the president of the Confederate States of America (the south) from 1861-1865...

Who is "Jefferson Davis"?


Tiger Woods is mounting a big comeback in THIS sport...

What is "GOLF"?


The name of 2 of the 4 presidents carved onto Mount Rushmore in South Dakota...

Who are "George Washington"   "Thomas Jefferson"    "Theodore Roosevelt"    "Abraham Lincoln" ???


HE was the victorious general in a battle (1811) against Native American forces near a river called Tippecanoe in Indiana.  The battle broke Tecumseh's power and ended the threat of an Indian confederation.  HE ran for president under the slogan "Tippecanoe & Tyler, Too!"

Who is "William Henry Harrison"?  


THIS driven & fearless soldier, came to power at the end of the French Revolution. HE lived from 1769 - 1821. HIS military genius brought HIM many victories & resulted in much of Europe coming under French control.  He gave poor people rights.  He was crowned emperor in 1804...

Who is "NAPOLEON"?


The opening shots of the American Civil War were fired at THIS fort in South Carolina, when Southern forces fired on Union troops...

What is "SUMTER"?


THIS is the world's most popular sport.  Over 4 billion people watch its World Cup every 4 years...

What is "SOCCER"?