What does Sam look like when playing gorilla tag?
Sam looks like he is swimming.
What is Sam's favourite Pokémon?
I am pink on the outside with white flesh and black seeds
I am a dragon fruit
How many players can compete in a battle royale
Where are desert rain from found.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how much does Sam like playing gorilla tag?
Which Pokémon snores just like Dad?
Can a hippo fit a whole watermelon in its mouth?
Yes a hippo can fit a whole watermelon in its mouth and swallow it with one bite.
What currency do you use to buy Fortnite skins?
V bucks are used to buy Fortnite skins and characters.
What do desert rain frogs eat?
Termites/ insects
What yellow fruit do the monkeys have on their heads?
Which Pokémon can change from type to type with different items?
Where did kiwi fruit originate?
Kiwi fruit originated in China. It only came to new zealand in 1904.
What year was Fortnite first released?
Fortnite was first released in 2017. it is now available in 6 different game mode versions.
Do desert rain frogs go through a tadpole stage in their life cycle?
No. Unlike most other species of frogs, it develops directly from the egg into adults without passing through the tadpole stage
What colour are the infected monkeys?
The infected monkeys look like magma.
What is Lugia's signature move?
Have potatoes been grown in space?
In October 1995, NASA and a university in the US collaborated to help grow the first ever veggie in space – a potato!
How do you get to an area on the map in the beginning of a Fortnite battle?
At the beginning of the game, players can get to different locations by skydiving from a flying school bus titled the Battle Bus.
What ball is the desert rain frog roughly the size of?
A ping pong ball
What part of your body do you use to move in gorilla tag?
You move with your arms.
What is Pikachu's favourite food?
Ketchup (especially on a watchog bun)
Scientifically are bananas a berry?
Yes they are.
For 500 points show us the floss dance?
How many termites can a desert rain frog eat in one sitting?