All parties and witnesses are at least of this level of intelligence
What is "normal"? (Stip 3)
Exhibits 40 and 41 are commercially sold products.
Both parties agree that this type of exhibit can be referenced in opening statements. (Bonus: Name as many of this type of exhibit you can... there's always at least ten)
What is "pre-admitted" and 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 18, 20, 21, 37, and 42? (Stip 6)
If you were to subtract $105 million, Bancroft's estate was worth this amount when he died
What is $299 Million?
On April 25, 2024 Harley Kim deposited this amount of cash into their bank account & NAME THE STIP otherwise you're lame...
What is $7,500 and Stipulation 19?
True or False: You can attack a witness on their perception or memory (or lack there of)
True. (Stipulation 3)
All notice requirements of MRE 902(11) and 902(12) have been satisfied for all exhibits.
Both parties agree that these were not in the Platinum Section of the MRE (It's a thing, not a person lol)
What are security cameras? (Stip 21)
True or False: Shannon Shahid could have been to Australia in her life before
False. (Stip 22)
From the end of their respective depositions to the beginning of trial, neither Jordan Nathanson nor Taylor Hopson has seen, heard, or otherwise learned this
What is anything that would cause either of them to change the answers they provided to the questions asked during their respective depositions? (Stipulation 17)
All objections to Exhibits 5 and 32 are waived if this witness is called
Who is Ashley Connel?
If Dr. Hillary Edmund is testifying, all objections have been waived to Exhibit 19a, and both parties agree that no additional foundation is necessary for admission. If Dr. Edmund is testifying, Exhibit 19a may be entered at any time after the conclusion of opening statements.
Both parties agree that no one on the train committed, expressed, or implicitly threatened this type of assault unto anyone else.
What is sexual assault? (Stip 18)
This number of digital clocks on the train were actually incorrect on April 25, 2024.
0 (Stipulation 20)
Staff for the MRE provided the Australian Federal police with copies of these Exhibits
All witnesses and parties waive these type of objections (Hint: there are 4)
What are objections under the US Constitution and objections arising under attorney-client, doctor-patient, and spousal privilege? (Stipulation 5)
During the depositions of Jordan Nathanson and Taylor Hopson, all deponents and parties to this action were represented by counsel. All signatures on the depositions are authentic and of the people they purport to be. The parties further stipulate that the documents labeled “Deposition of Jordan Nathanson” and “Deposition of Taylor Hopson” are authentic, and no further testimony is needed to establish that fact.
Both parties agree that no further foundation is necessary for these exhibits
What are 5, 31, 32, and sometimes 19a?
Strathmore could be blamed for having been involved in the death of Bancroft if either party does this
Trick question! Strathmore can't be blamed for involvement in the death of Bancroft in any way (Stip 31)
What is bifurcated? (Stip 33)
If these two witnesses testify (or don't), certain exhibits can be referenced in opening statements. Also name the exhibits.
Who are Haskins and Doolittle and 19b and 29a-c?
Avery Bancroft’s death was not the result of suicide or an attempt of suicide.
Both parties ___ and ___ complied with their discovery obligations
What is fully and timely? (Stip 2)
Technically, the only person who is explicitly stipulated not to have committed a violent act against another person (Bonus: Stip it!)
Who is Avery Bancroft? (Stip 18)
Stipulation 28 says this.
What is both parties agree that there are no chain of custody issues with any of the numbered exhibits?