having doubt about something
Name two things the monks talked about as they walked
ex: cat whiskers, giving, color of the sun
Make an inference using the following clues:
1. Stones are not food.
2. The soup has flavor only after the vegetables are added.
3. The soup becomes rich and smells delicious as the villagers share.
The soup was meant to be shared. It was not about the stones.
people who come to visit or eat a meal
What did the monks first notice about the villagers?
The villagers were not trusting and wouldn't share.
Fill in the last sentence:
When the monks get to the village, no one greets them.
The villagers stay in their house.
No answers when the monks know on the doors.
Inference: ______________________
The villagers do not trust strangers.
to look at for a long time
Why did the monks say that the villagers were not happy?
They were not answering their doors and were not sharing or giving.
When the soup is ready, the villagers carry the soup home.
They sit down to eat it together.
an interesting or strange thing
What do the monks decide to make?
stone soup
What did they use to cook the soup?
casserole dish, pot, dutch oven
a large meal presented for an event
How does the small girl help the monks?
find stones and get a big pot
What is the genre of the story?
fiction or nonfiction
nice, pleasant
Name four things the villagers added to the soup.
celery, onion, noodles, cabbage, carrots, mushroom, peas, corn, dumplings, garlic, root