What skills do you need to use everyday at school?
Listening, Following Directions
Bonus: Asking For Help, Dealing with Distractions
Someone is making taping noises next to you in class. What are you feeling? What do you do?
annoyed, distracted, frustrated
Skill: Ignoring Distractions
Put the steps in the right order: Think Act Stop
Stop, Think, Act
What was the Millennium Falcons shape based on?
Your math assignment is really hard and you don't want to do it. What are your feelings and what will you do?
Frustrated, annoyed
Dealing with Anger, Ask for Help, Follow Directions, Listening
Your friend calls you a mean name. How do you feel? What do you do?
sad, mad , hurt
skill: controlling anger, dealing with teasing, dealing with being rejected/left out
What should you think about when thinking: "what should I do?"
consequences, the right choice, how will it impact me and people around me
What animal did Porgs cover up in the movies?
Your teacher is talking to another student, but you want to say something NOW! how do you feel? What will you do?
impatient, agitated, ignored, hurt
Skill: ask for help the right way, follow directions
Why can it be good to apologize even if we didn't do something on purpose? Think about others feelings and your own.
Help others feel better, learn how your actions make others feel so you don't do it again, keep friends
What are the steps for the Listening skill?
What skills do you need to use if you feel your teacher is teasing you?
Dealing with Teasing
Controlling Anger
Following Directions
You took a joke too far and hurt someone's feelings. How do you know their feelings were hurt? What do you do next/what skills do you use?
body language, they tell you, they tell a teacher
Listening, Apologizing, Control Anger, Accept Consequences
What are the steps for Dealing with Anger skill?
What animal sounds are Chewbacca's voice made of (Hint: 3)
Bears, Lions, Badgers
What is a time you had a hard time accepting consequences for your actions at school?
Student Words
What is a time you should have apologized to a friend or peer and didn't?
Student Words
What are the steps of in the Apologizing Skill?
DECIDE: Do you need to apologize for something you did?
WALK up to the person you need to apologize to.
LOOK directly at the person’s eyes and SAY: “I’m sorry,” explaining why you’re sorry or describing what you did wrong
LISTEN to the person’s response
ASK the person if they want to talk about something else (or do something else with you), or SAY, “Thanks for listengin” and walk away.
Yoda was almost played by what animal?