Vocabulary Part 1
Vocabulary Part 2
Explanations Pt 2

a mass of tiny water drops or ice crystals that floats in the air above Earth. There are 3 types: cumulus, stratus, cirrus

What are clouds?


the process of turning from liquid into vapor.

What is evaporation?


Stratonimbus storms usually cause rain all day long because

What is because the clouds are very wide so they spend a long time over one area. 


Describe a cumulonimbus cloud

What is Cumulonimbus clouds are similar to cumulus clouds, but they are much taller and can cause rainfall underneath them.


a low lying cloud that comes down toward the ground

What is fog?


a scientist that studies and tracks weather patterns.

What is a meteorologist? 


How can you tell the difference between stratus and a stratonimbus cloud?

What is a stratonimbus cloud is darker than a stratus cloud, and causes rain. 


Describe a stratus cloud

What are Stratus clouds cover the entire sky, making it look light gray.


what the sky and the air outside are like on a daily basis, such as cold and cloudy or hot and humid

What is weather?


an instrument used to measure the temperature.

What is a thermometer? 


Explain where clouds come from

What is clouds are made of tiny liquid water drops. When the water on the surface of the earth evaporates, it rises into the air and forms a cloud.


Describe a stratonimbus cloud

What is stratonimbus are similar to stratus clouds, but they appear darker and can cause storms underneath.


the average weather conditions in a place over 30 years or more

What is climate?


caused by nature, such as tornadoes, hurricanes, ice storms, severe weather and flooding.

What is a natural disaster?


What do dust storms, hurricanes and tornadoes have in common?

What is Hurricanes, tornadoes, and dust storms are all natural hazards with strong winds. They can be dangerous for people living in places where they happen.


Which climate is being described below? (temperate, polar, tropical, mild or desert)

Animals that live here don’t pant to cool off, otherwise they would lose water.

What is a desert?


a violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow.

What is a storm?


Describe a cumulus cloud

What are cumulus clouds look fluffy and are small to medium sized. They are often out when the weather is still nice.


Which climate is being described below? (temperate, polar, tropical, mild or desert)

Many animals hibernate in winter, come back out in springtime:

What is temperate?