Modern Psychology
Story of Psychology
Research Methods
The Brain and Nervous System pt.1
The Brain and Nervous System pt.2

The young science of psychology developed from these two more established fields.

What are philosophy and physiology?


The man, regard as the father of modern psychology, pioneered the investigation of mental processes using the scientific method.

Who is Wilhelm Wundt?


Conclusions concerning cause and effect relationships are only possible when this method is used.

What is the experimental method?


These are the basic units of the nervous system.

What are neurons?


This system of the brain contains the brain and the spinal cord.

What is central nervous system?


Today, the majority of psychologists are employed in this.

What is private practice?


This ancient method of scraping, cutting, or drilling of skulls was intended to drive off evil spirits.

What is trephination?


This descriptive method of research involves an in-depth investigation of a single subject.

What is a case study?


This term refers to the reabsorption of neurotransmitters into the presynaptic neuron.

What is reuptake?


The "fight or flight" response is a direct result of activation of this division of the central nervous system.

What is sympathetic nervous system?


This field of psychology studies nonhuman animal behavior in controlled settings.

What is experimental psychology?


Rene Descartes was the first important psychologist in the prescientific era who asserted this view, which stated that beliefs should be formed through reasoning and logic.

What is Rationalism?


This is tendency to believe, after learning the outcome, that we could have predicted it.

What is hindsight bias?


This brain structure is responsible for the coordination of fine motor movements and sense of equilibrium/balance.

What is the cerebellum?


A bundle of axons is also referred to by this term.

What is a nerve?


This field studies individual differences among people in characteristic behavior.

What is personality psychology?


This school of psychology endorsed the belief that the mind must be broken down into parts in order to study and analyze consciousness.

What is structuralism?


A researcher tries to make sure that subjects in the experimental and control groups are very similar to each other in order to reduce the effects of this.

What are extraneous variables?


These two procedures allow researchers to visualize changes in brain activity/function.

What are PET scan and fMRI?


This nervous system contains nerves that carry information from the skin, muscles, and joints to the central nervous system and from the central nervous system to the muscles.

What is the somatic nervous system?


These ideas constitute unifying themes of psychology.

What is the idea that:

psychology is empirical?

psychology is theoretically diverse?

psychology evolves in a socio-historical context?


Freud's experiences with Bertha Pappenheim led to the creation of this technique.

What is psychoanalysis?


The double-blind procedure is used to overcome this error in experimental methods.

What is experimenter bias?


The primary visual cortex, which is important for processing visual information, is located in this lobe.

What is the occipital lobe?


This lobe is the largest in the cerebral cortex.

What is the frontal lobe?