Story Elements 1
Story Elements 2
Story Elements 3
Story Elements 4
Story Elements 5

A person or animal in a story.

What is a character?


In this point of view, one character using "I" tells the story.

What is 1st person point of view?


The time and place of a story.

What is the setting?


This point of view puts the reader in the story using words "you or Your".

What is 2nd person point of view?


In this point of view the author is narrating a story about the characters, referring to them by name, or using the pronouns “he,” “she,” and “they.” 

What is 3rd person point of view?


The main character in a story.  The action or events of the story center mostly around this character. 

What is the protagonist?


The overall atmosphere or feeling of a story.

What is mood?


The series or sequence of events that make up a story.  It is what happens in a story. 

What is the plot?


This type of character does not change or evolve much or at all during a story. They stay the same.

What is a Static Character?


The final point of a story.  The conflict is resolved and the story is brought to close. 

What is the resolution?


This is the point in the story that creates the greatest suspense or interest.

What is the climax?


This type of character changes or evolves throughout the story.

What is a Dynamic Character?


A character that opposes the main character in a story. 

What is the antagonist?


A struggle between opposing characters or opposing forces.

What is a conflict?


When a Character struggles within his/her own mind.

What is an internal conflict?


The way that the author reveals the personality of  a character.  (Their values, feelings, goals, etc.)

What is characterization?


This type of narrator knows everything about all of the characters in a story including their thoughts and feelings. 

What is an omniscient narrator?


The perspective or vantage point from which a story is told. 

What is the point of view?


The main idea of a story, it threads throughout the entire story.  It is usually a message that the author wants to get across to the reader. 

What is the theme?


When a character struggles with an outside force such as another character, society, or nature. 

What is an external conflict?