The Bully
Framing your thoughts
Point of View

Define protagonist and antagonist.

Protagonist: Central to the action of the story and moves against the antagonist. (Main Character) 

Antagonist: the villain or a force that opposes the protagonist.


Define setting.

The time and location in which a story took (takes) place. 

(where and when)


What state did Darrell move from and where is he going?

from Phildaelphia to California


What does a barebone sentence consist of?

a subject and predicate


Define theme.

A central idea in a piece of writing or other work of art; meaning; life lesson; moral of the story


Define point of view. 

The perspective from which a story is told. 


When reading a story about a character, what 3 things should you pay attention to?

feelings, action, dialogue


True or False. Setting can 

-Be realistic

-Be fictional

-Change through the story

-Be in the future, present, or past

-Be a comination of times and/or places

-Determine the point of view

False. Setting does not determine the point of view. 


Who does darrell meet in the grocery store?



when and where should you use a comma?

when you're listing two or more things. The last comma goes before the word and.


What is theme?

The lesson of the story


What is First Person point of view?

What keywords should you look for? (Pronouns)

First Person: the main character is telling the story

Keywords: I, me, we, my, our, ours


what is it called when you see things from the character's perspective?

Point of view


When searching for the setting, what two things should you pay attention to?

When and where 


How did Darrell's dad die?

In a car accident


Frame this sentence.

i went to the store to buy chicken heavy cream and spinach to make chicken alfredo

I went to the store to buy chicken, heavy cream, and spinach to make chicken alfredo.


What develops a theme?

Characters, Setting, Plot


What is the Third Person Limited point of view?

What keywords should you look for? (Pronouns)

Third Person Limited: The narrator focuses on one character; the narrator tells the story from the viewpoint of only one character

Pronouns: he, she, it, his, hers, they, them, theirs


what is the word for the qualities a character has in a story?

Character trait


Setting can affect the conflict and mood of a story. What else can it affect? (Name at least 2)

Theme, plot, characters


What did Mr. Mitchell do to help Darrell out on the first day of school?

He moved Tyray to the front of the class. 


Jamal stomped screamed and threw things when he saw his brother broke his favorite toy

Jamal stomped, screamed, and threw things when he saw his brother broke his favorite toy.


Name a theme statement for the following fable:

The Fox & the Goat

A Fox fell into a well, and though it was not very deep, he found that he could not get out again. After he had been in the well a long time, a thirsty Goat came by. The Goat thought the Fox had gone down to drink, and so he asked if the water was good.

"The finest in the whole country," said the crafty Fox, "jump in and try it. There is more than enough for both of us."

The thirsty Goat immediately jumped in and began to drink. The Fox just as quickly jumped on the Goat's back and leaped from the tip of the Goat's horns out of the well

The foolish Goat now saw what a plight he had got into, and begged the Fox to help him out. But the Fox was already on his way to the woods

"If you had as much sense as you have beard, old fellow," he said as he ran, "you would have been more cautious about finding a way to get out again before you jumped in."

Possible Answers:

1. Look before you leap. 

2. Think before you act. 

3. Never trust a man in difficulties.


What is the Third Person Omniscient point of view?

What keywords should you look for? (Pronouns)

Third Person Omniscient- the narrator knows everything and can describe every character's thoughts and interpret their behavior. 

Pronouns: he, she, it, his, hers, they, them, theirs


In almost every story, the protagonist has a ___________.



How can the setting help you make inferences about a text? You can use an example to illustrate your point.

Todd clenched his jaw. He was sweating.

Todd clenched his jaw. He was sweating. 

Setting #1: If Todd was on the track field, we might infer he's running to win race.

Setting #2: If Todd was sweating in class at school, we might infer that he's nervous or stressed out. 


Where is Darrell and his moms new home?

Attached to Uncle Jason's house. Uncle Jason lives in the front, Darrell lives in the back. a duplex. 


the beautiful garden glistened in the sun as the bees zoomed by.

The beautiful garden glistened in the sun as the bees zoomed by.


What is the difference between theme and main idea?

Main idea is what the story is all about and theme is the lesson of the story.


Read the passage below and name the correct point of view. 

You come to the end of a passage way, to your right is a maze of thorns which looks inescapable, to your left is a blackened corridor that could be concealing anything. You need to make a decision. Turn to page 16 to go right or page 19 to go left.

Second Person