Medieval Schools
Grab Bag!
Philip IV

This branch of the liberal arts was for younger students and taught only grammar, logic, and rhetoric.

What is the trivium?


This heretic was from France, taught that crosses and crucifixes should be burned, and was eventually tossed into his own bonfire.

Who was Peter of Bruis?


This was an argument over how much control lay people should have in the Church.

What is lay investiture?


This man wanted to regain imperial control of the Church, and supported an antipope when the real pope told him to stop invading Italy.

Who is Frederick Barbarossa?


Philip IV wanted to tax this so he could pay for his war with England.

What is the French church?


The branch of the liberal arts was for older students and taught arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy.

What is the quadrivium?


This heretic was from France, taught that the Eucharist was only a symbol, and was condemned by Church synods.

Who is Berengar?


This saint was locked in a tower by his parents, joined the Dominicans, became a theology professor, and eventually wrote the Summa Theologiae, 

Who is St. Thomas Aquinas?


This man was the grandson of Frederick Barbarossa.

Who is Frederick II?


This pope opposed Philip IV's taxes, but Philip IV refused to obey him.

Who is Pope Boniface?


This type of school was run by monks and was for boys only.

What is a monastic school?


This heretic was from Italy, taught that the Church should not own any land, and was eventually burned at the stakes for his political crimes.

Who is Arnold of Brescia?


This is a man who claims to be pope when he is not.

What is an antipope?


Frederick II did everything he could to hurt the pope, so much so that people started calling him this.

What is the antichrist?


Philip IV wanted this from the Templar Knights.

What is money?


This type of school was run by the clergy. Charlemagne actually passed a law requiring every bishop to establish one of these types of schools in their diocese.

What is a cathedral school?


These heretics were from France, taught that the body was evil, and eventually were converted by St. Dominic when he brought them the rosary.

Who are the Cathars / Albigensians?


This saint was a scientist and St. Thomas Aquinas's teacher.

Who is St. Albert the Great?

When Frederick Barbarossa helped the pope defeat Arnold of Brescia, the pope crowned him as this.

What is the Holy Roman Emperor?


This man was the grandmaster of the Templar Knights at the time of Philip IV, who was eventually killed by the king.

Who is de Molay?

This type of medieval school was for higher learning, and it got a special charter from the pope, making it independent from any lord or bishop.

What is a university?


This was a legal process aimed at identifying heretics and encouraging them to repent.

What was the Inquisition?


This was an argument between professors held in the evening at medieval universities.

What is disputatio?


Legend has it that Frederick Barbarossa is sleeping under this, and will return when Germany needs him most.

What is a mountain?


In order to get the money of the Templar Knights, de Molay did this to all of them on a single day.

What is arrest them?