This is where/how Moses was found and raised
The River Nile by Pharaoh’s daughter, and raised in the Egyptian courts.
Pharaoh’s responds “No” to Moses, and intensifies their enslavement. God takes action in response to Pharoh’s stubbornness in order to do what:
Get Pharaoh’s attention
After the parting of the Red Sea, God's people continue to questions God's faithfulness. Still, he provides for them, miraculously feeds the Israelites in the desert with this:
Manna - bread from Heaven
and Quail for meat
What did the Israelies make while Moses was on the mountain?
A Golden Calf (worshiping a pagan God)
What does the name "Moses" mean?
“to pull or draw out of the water” - A name derived from the Hebrew word “Moshe’
Moses committed this crime that made him flee to the desert in Midian.
Murder- He killed an Egyptian guard who was beating an Israelite
Name 5 of the 10 plagues
Water turned to blood, frogs run the land, lice infestation, flies, death of the livestock, boils, hail, locust, darkness, and the death of the firstborn
God renewed His Covenant with Israel through Moses on this mountain:
Mount Sinai
The tabernacle, the tent that covers the ark of the covenant allows for this:
God’s presence to be with His people
This word means “an experience with God”
God’s plan to rescue Israel begins with his appearance to Moses in this
A Burning Bush
God wants the Israelites to serve and worship him - not the false Gods of Egypt. What does this say about the 10 plagues?
1. They are intentional; they are NOT RANDOM.
2. They symbolizing judgments on the false gods of Egypt.
Moses was up on the mountain for this duration of time?
40 days and nights
In a fury of rage towards the Israelites worshiping a pagan god, Moses smashed the stone tablets upon which God had carved the 10 commandments. This act symbolizes:
How Israelites broke their covenant with God.
This word Means “Four Letters”
Tetragrammaton - YHWH (the first letter of the four words God speaks to Moses to answer his question “What is your name?”
God gives Moses the commission to return to Egypt to free the Israelites from slavery - He tells Him to go to Pharaoh and tell him to do what?
“Let my people go” - Ex 5:1
As the Egyptians are approaching the Israelites at the Red Sea, Moses reassures the people by saying this in Exodus 14:14:
“The Lord will fight for you; you have only to be still”
Designed in an intentional way to order our lives so we can truly love God and those around us, these represent a sign of the new covenant through Moses
10 Commandments
*Name 4 of them - see handout from Group project.
What three things are placed inside the Ark of the Covenant?
1. 10 Commandments
2. Aaron's Rod/Staff
3. Manna from Heaven
This means “Second Law”
What does God reveal his name to be to Moses? What is the significance of knowing one's name?
"I am who am" - Knowing one's name is an invitation to a greater sense of intimacy; a closer relationship.
List the three parts of the ritual passover & how Jesus fulfills each one (KNOW THE PASSOVER/LAST SUPPER CHART)
1. Sacrifice a male, unblemished lamb.
2. Spread the lamb's blood on the doorposts & lintel with a hyssop branch for Israel's salvation
3. Eat the flesh of the lamb as part of a sacred, family meal & keep the feast as a memorial.
1. Jesus is the unblemished “Lamb of God” - He is without sin & His Bones aren’t broken on the cross
2. Jesus's blood is shed on the wood of the cross for the Salvation of the world. (Jesus is given sour wine from a hyssop branch on the cross)
3. We consume Jesus’ body & blood as part of a sacred meal in the “New Passover,” through the memorial of the Mass in the Eucharist.
List two ways the New Covenant in Moses is different from God’s covenant with Abraham & the previous covenants of Salvation History:
1. The Sinai Covenant is Conditional; if followed, the Israelites will be bless. If violated, there will be negative consequences.
2. God makes this covenant with an entire nation, the people of Israel, rather than an individual and his descendants
How is the parting of the Red Sea a prefiguration of baptism?
Through the means of water, evil (Pharaoh's army and "death" of time of enslavement in Egypt) is destroyed, thereby becoming a means of salvation
This term means the first five books of the Bible, also known as the Torah.
Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy)