What does Genesis 1 point to?
The superiority of God compared to other religions
What are the three blessings God promised Abraham?
What are the two roles of the prophets
Blessing when they follow the Law, Judgement when they disobey the Law.
Christ wants everyone to be saved or for everyone to hear the gospel
What was the common language of the people during Jesus' time
Other than the women, who else has been called the helper in the Bible
The Holy Spirit
Why do Israelites celebrate Passover?
Death of the first born and the freedom from slavery.
What are the two types of Covenants
Conditional and unconditional
What is the Chruches' role for the people who are baptized?
To hold them accountable to the word of God.
How many years are in between the Old and the New Testament
400 years ish
To show the pattern of what God's kingdom is
Which Empire takes over the Babylonian empire?
The Persians.
What are the three key events that will happen in the last days?
The Spirit is sent, the Gospel is Proclaimed, and Jesus Returns.
What is the Greek Old Testament called?
Why did God confuse the language of the people of Babel?
They were supposed to spread to the ends of the world.
What are the three purposes of the Law
Our Sin, Our Savior, His standards.
How did Jesus save us by dying on the cross?
Substituted his righteousness for our sinful life.
Preterist view, Historicist, Futurist view. 3 perspective view.
What is Hanukkah
Celebration of cleansing the temple
What are Satan's tactics with Eve?
Distorts God's word
Questions God's word
Distorts God's motives
Israel sins, God Judges, Israel cries for mercy, God provides a Judge, Land is at peace.
What is the key phrase written in the gospel of John
Word of God.
What are the names of the four horsemen?
Conquest, War, Famine, Death.
What are the four things that is set up for Christ's coming
Universal Language
Unified Jewish nation