Stories About Food
Stories About Animals
Stories About
$ Money $
? Mystery ?
Stories About Teachers

Ayana picked 6 apples on Monday. She picked 5 apples on Tuesday. How many apple does Ayana have?

Ayana has 11 apples. 6+5= 11 and 5+6=11


Thalya has two dogs. Her grandma found three stray dogs and brought them home. How many dogs does Thalya have in her house now?

Thalya has five dogs now. 2+3=5


Ayaan got $1 each day that he put his toys away. He put his toys away on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. How much money did Ayaan earn?

$5. $1+$1+$1+$1+$1=$5


Risha had 9 silly bands. She lost 3. How many silly bands does she still have?

6 silly bands, 9-3=6


Mrs. Becker opened a pack of 24 pencils. She passed out 10 pencils. How many pencils are still in the box?

14 pencils are still in the box. 24-10=14


Adyson baked a dozen cookies. Later she baked 6 cookies. How many cookies did Adyson bake? Hint: A dozen is 12.

Adyson baked 18 cookies. 12+6=18


The Humane Society had 19 cats for adoption. Arda and his family adopted 4 cats. How many cats are still at the Humane Society?

The Humane Society still has 15 cats. 19-4=15


Sutton had $4. He helped his mom with the dishes and made $2. Later, he took out the garbage and made $2 more. How much money does Sutton have?

$8. $4+$2+$2=$8


Nathan has 4 board games.Tristan has 7 board games. Joselyn has 3 board games. How many board games do they have all together?

14 board games, 4+7+3= 14


Ms. Galindo had 15 packs of paper. Her students used 9 packs of paper. How many packs of paper does she have now?

6 packs of paper, 15-9=6


Ethan had 5 sandwiches. He ate 2 sandwiches. How many sandwiches does Ethan have left?

Ethan has 3 sandwiches left. 5-2=3


The Jacksonville Zoo has 12 monkeys. Morgan went to the zoo with her family. She let 7 monkeys free. Her dad then let 2 more monkeys free. How many monkeys are still in their cages?

There are still 3 monkeys in their cages. 12-7=5, then 5-2=3


Charlotte saved $18 from her birthday. She went to Adventure Landing amusement park and spent $9. How much money does Charlotte have left?

$9, 18-9=9 


Tiya has 12 marbles. She traded 3 of her marbles for a cookie. How many marbles does Tiya have left?

9 marbles, 12-3=9


Mrs. Vakil had 11 glue sticks. A student brought in 8 more glue sticks. How many glue sticks does Mrs. Vakil have now?

19 glue sticks. 11 + 9 = 19


Dominic ordered 8 pizzas for his birthday party. 4 of the pizzas got eaten by his dog. How many pizzas will Dominic have for his party?

Dominic will have 4 pizzas for his party. 8-4=4


Jaelah's guinea pig had 4 babies. She gave 2 babies away. Then the mom had 6 more babies. This time she gave 5 away. How many babies did Jaelah keep?

Jaelah kept 3 babies. 4-2=2 then 6-5=1, so 2+1=3


Brandon gets $5 each week for allowance. He saved his money for 3 weeks. Then, he bought some Legos that cost $11. How much money does Brandon have left?

Brandon has $4 left. $5+$5+$5=$15, 

Then, 15-11=4


Genevieve has 5 cat stuffed animals and 7 rabbit stuffed animals. She gave 2 stuffed animals away. How many stuffed animals does Genevieve have left?

10 stuffed animals, 

5 + 7 = 12, 12 -2 = 10


Mrs. Church had 8 erasers. Her students brought in 7 more erasers. Then, 3 erasers got lost. How many erasers does Mrs. Church have now?

12 erasers. 

8+7=15, then, 15-3=12


Brooklynn invited some friends over to play. They each brought a bag of candy. First, 2 friends come over to play. Then, 3 more friends arrived. Finally, the last 6 friends came. How many bags of candy do they have to eat?

They have 11 bags of candy. 2+3+6=11


Landon had 18 mice. He gave 9 of them away. Then she got 7 more. How many mice does Landon have?

Landon has 16 mice. 18-9=9 Then 9+7=16


Violet had $35. She bought a toy that cost $10. Then she bought a dress that cost $20. How much money does Violet have left?

Violet has $5 left. $35-$10=$25, 

then $25-$20=$5


Ryan had 27 games. He gave 5 games away to his neighbor and he gave 9 games away to his cousin. How many games does Ryan have now?

Ryan has 13 games. 

27-5=22, then 22-9=13


Mrs. Miller had 18 students.  2 students moved away. Then she got 3 new students. How many students does Mrs. Miller have now?

Mrs. Miller has 19 students. 

18-2=16, then 16+3=19