Egg white
What did the boy cover the table with?
Why did the hamster have a wheel in it's cage?
How many ingredients are in a s'more
What is the name of the doctor for pets?
Vet or Veterinarian
What shape is an egg?
Name two things the boy put on the table when he set the table.
Plate, cup, spoon, fork, knife
How many legs does a hamster have?
Name two ways to cook a s'more
campfire, stove, microwave
Do cats and dogs have feathers, fur, or scales?
What is the yellow part of the egg called?
Name a type of silverware
fork, knife, spoon
Does a hamster have feathers, fur, or scales?
Name the three ingredients in a s'more
marshmallow, chocolate, cracker
What are the hairs that stick out of a cat's face?
What utensil did they scramble eggs with in the story?
Did the boy put the tablecloth on before or after he put the plates and silverware on the table?
Besides the wheel what two things did she put in the hamster cage?
food, water
What happens to the marshmallow and the chocolate when they are heated?
They melt
What is the room called where people wait to see the doctor?
Waiting room
What utensil did they flip the eggs with in the story?
What did he wear on his hands when he served the turkey, so he did not burn them?
oven mits
pot holders
What did the girl put on the bottom of the cage?
Wood shavings
What kind of cracker is used to make a s'more
What is it called when a doctor checks an animal to make sure they are okay?
Exam or examination