Pages 258-262
Pages 263-266
Pages 267-271
General Questions
General Questions
Identify the genre of "Stone Soup".
What is a folktale?
Tell what the monks did next after they made the fire.
What is they put a small tin pot on top and filled it with water?
True or False: The monks have probably made stone soup before.
What is true?
Tell if the passage is real or make believe.
What is make believe?
Tell where most of the events in the story take place.
What is a village in China?
Describe the villagers at the beginning of the passage.
What is distrusting of neighbors and suspicious of strangers?
Tell the first item the monks put into the pot.
What is three round, smooth stones?
The monks helped the villagers learn ___.
What is how to share?
Tell if the passage is fiction or nonfiction.
What is fiction?

How do the villagers become generous?

answers vary

Tell what made the villagers distrusting and suspicious.
What is famine, floods, and wars?
Tell what the monks put in the pot after the stones.
What is salt and pepper?
If the story were to continue predict what you think the villagers might do next.
What is eat meals together more often or share food with each other?

What is a folktale?

Folktales are fiction stories from long ago with a theme or lesson. 

Explain the author's opinion about sharing.
What is the author thinks sharing is important because he wrote a story about how it helped the villagers?
Explain why no one answered when the monks knocked on the villagers' doors.
Why is they did not trust strangers?
Tell what the monks wanted next to put into the pot after the salt and pepper.
What is carrots?
Describe the lesson that the villagers learned.
What is that sharing makes you richer or the more you give the more you get?
Describe how the villagers changed from the beginning to the end of the passage.
What is in the beginning the villagers were distrusting and suspicious, but at the end trusting and sharing with each other made them happy?
Tell why the monk says at the beginning of the story that, "These people do not know happiness."
What is because the villagers locked themselves in their houses and would not open the doors to the monks?
Describe what the monks were going to make for the villagers.
What is stone soup?
Describe what the villagers thought of the stone soup.
What is they thought it smelled delicious?
Identify the main reason why the soup tasted delicious.
What is because everyone added something to the pot?
Tell what the villagers' biggest problem is at the beginning of the story.
What is they are not friendly to each other?
Tell what belongs in the empty sequence: 1. The monks began to make stone soup. 2. The villagers put in all the ingredients. 3. 4. The villagers unlocked their doors and let the monks sleep in their homes.
What is they had a big banquet and ate the stone soup?