First on scene and includes firefighters and even police officers?
What is Emergency Medical Responder.
Removal or cleansing of dangerous chemicals, or infectious materials
What is decontamination?
Responsibility of the EMT to provide care
What is duty to act?
Verbal or non-verbal consent given by a patient for provision of care or transport
What is "Expressed Consent"?
The divisions of the spial column
What is cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and coccyx?
The first call starts with me...
What is an Emergency Medical Dispatcher?
An emergency involving more than one patient or more patients than you have resources for
What is "MCI" or "Mass Casualty Incident"?
The manner in which you must act or behave as an EMT
What is standard of care?
Farther from the trunk
What is distal?
Stick together to form a clot
What are platelets?
The number of EMT's required to transport a pt in the state of Ohio?
What is 2.
Protects against TB...
What is an N95 mask?
What is fast?
Failure to provide the same care that a person with similar training would provide in the same or a similar situation
What is negligence?
Adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body with the removal of waste products
What is perfusion?
Definition of the role of EMS?
What is to provide first-aid treatment or life support to sick or injured patients.
Attacks your immune system and can be carried through blood
What is HIV/AIDS?
Position in which patient is lying on their back
What is supine?
Unlawfully placing a person in fear of immediate bodily harm
What is assault?
Largest bone in the body
What is the femur?
An EMS professional trained in BLS interventions
What is an EMT?
What is the Symbol for medical biohazard?
Abdominal quadrant where liver is located
What are the upper right and upper left quadrants?
Type of consent in which a patient who is unable to give consent is given treatment under the legal assumption that he or she would want treatment
What is "Implied Consent"?
The air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange takes place
What are the alveoli?
Recertification happens every ______
What is every 3 years?
The spread of infection through and inanimate object
What is indirect contact?
The unilateral termination of care by the EMT without the patient's consent and without making provisions for continued care
What is abandonment?
False, injurious information in written form
What is "Libel"?
What is shock?