A character that has a mental declive during the development of the play.
Represents the uncontrollable desires of Blanche that lead to her downfall
Streetcar named desire
Where was Tennesse Williams born?
Mississippi USA
Where does the story take place?
New Orleans
What is the relation between Stella and Stanley
They are married
Its a portrayal of masculinity and the working class, he has a clear opposition against Blanche and her ideals.
Symbol of reality’s harshness, contrasting with the fantasies that Blanche had at Belle Reve.
Elysian Fields House
What family member inspired Williams on making the character Blanche DuBoi?
Teennessee’s sister
Why does Blanche come to New Orleans to visit Stella?
Because she is in bank rote and she has nowhere to go
What is the relation between Stella and Blanche?
They are sisters
He is the love interest of Blanche
Represents Blanche’s urge to purify herself and take out her guilt
In what country was Tennessee Williams born?
United States
What is the main cause of the tension between Stanley and Blanche?
Their different ideologies
What is the relationship between Mitch and Blanche?
They have a romantic relationship
A submissive woman that goes along with the traditional gender roles
Represents the fear of Blanche of aging and accepting reality
What was one of the citys Tennessee live in that inspired him to write one of his novels?
New Orleans
What happened at the poker night in Stanley’s apartment?
Stella was abused by Stanley
How does Stella reacts when Blanche accuses Stanley of assaulting her?
Stella did not believe Blanche and chose to stay with Stanley.
She lives above Stanley and Stella
A representation of Blanche past traumas about the suicide of her fiancé
Varsoviana Polka
Who was the person who Tennessee inspired by?
Edgar Allan Poe
How does the story ends?
The story ends with Blanche going to a mental institution
Why Mitch’s perception of Blanche at the beginning was good and then change into a bad perception?
Because he initially admires her as a refined and virtuous woman but later he discovers her past