Use it, or lose it best describes this principle
What is reversibility?
A two stage process that includes evaluation of the requirement and characteristics of the sport and athlete
What is the needs analysis?
This refers to exercises that recruit one or more large muscles and are multijoint
What are core exercises?
The percentage of the VO2 max where blood lactate rises significantly
What is lactate threshold
The interface between the muscle and nerve
What is NMJ?
This principle refers to the systematic modification of a training program over time
What is progression?
This portion of the evaluation involves assessing common sites for joint and muscle injury
What is injury analysis?
What is compound set?
The energy cost of an activity at a given velocity
What is exercise economy?
A technique to measure electrical activity of the muscle
What is electromyography (EMG)?
The principle of performing a workload or training regimen with greater intensity than the athlete is accustom to
What is overload principle?
This portion of the evaluation involves assessing body and limb pattens and muscular involvement
What is movement or biomechanical analysis?
The amount of weight assigned to an exercise set
What is load?
The difference between a person maximal HR and their resting HR
What is heart rate reserve (HRR)?
The primary structural component of all connective tissue
What is collagen?
The principle that the type of demand placed on the body dictates the type of training adaptation that will occur
What is the SAID (specific adaptation to imposed demand) or specificity principle?
This portion of the evaluation involves assessing strength, power, hypertrophy and muscular endurance priorities
What is physiological analysis?
This refers to the muscle group actively causing the movement
What is agonist?
The VO2 equal to resting MET
What is 3.5 mlkgmin-1?
This is equal to HR x SBP and is a measure of heart workload
What is rate pressure product?
Training that produces responders and non-responders best describes this principle
What is individuality?
The knowledge and skill to perform RT exercises properly
What is exercise technique?
This can be defined as the product of force and displacement
What is [mechanical] work?
The method by which the VO2 max is estimated from measurements of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production
What is indirect calorimetry?
During unilateral exercise when muscle strength increases in the contralateral resting muscle
What is cross education?