Executing Domain
What one of your TOP 5 strengths can you use to help with chores at home?
Achiever; get the task done
responsibility- do what you say you will do
-futuristic- want to hang out with friends but chores need to be done first
empathy - feel bad for pregnant mom having to do everything
What is Relationship Building
What types of strengths could help you with group work in class? Give an example of a 2 strengths and how they could assist.
What do you think?
You are UPSET over something that happened. Which strength do you need to "tone down" so that your strength does not STRUGGLE
Activator can tend to be hot-headed, so I need to make sure not to let it get out of control and keep my cool.
You are applying for a job at Yogurtland. The interviewer asks: What are some strengths you have and how can they help you at this job?
Example: I can use my empathy strength to treat each suctomser as I would want my family to be treated when getting yogurt as a family. I would use empathy to make sure their experience is good, they have have all the toppings they need, and let them know of any discounts or promos we have. Putting myself in their shoes would help me treat them best!
This is the company that did the research on "Why people follow" and "StrengthsQuest"
What is Gallup