Causes of STRESS
Effects of Stress
Coping Skills
Positive Stress Management
Negative Stress Management
(Myth or Fact)

List two examples of events that can cause positive stress

Winning the lotto, getting a new house, getting married, birth of a child, promotion, etc


True or False: Stress causes your heart to pump faster

Known as "fight or flight" Your heart pumps blood faster to your muscles, in case you need to run for your life


True or False: Coping Skill is something you have to learn.

False: We all have coping skills, some may be more beneficial than others. We can also play off of our natural abilities to find coping skills we enjoy and are beneficial for mental wellbeing.


True or False: All stress is out of your control

False: While some stress feels like it is being forced upon us, small changes in our daily lives can give us back feeling of control and the ability to choose where we spend our time & energy


List three negative stress management methods.

Substance use
Sleeping too much
Ignoring the problem
Negative thinking
Eating too much


Mental Health Issues are rare

Myth. 1 in 4 adults over 18 has a mental health diagnosis. 1 in 6 children has a mental health diagnosis


True or False: All stress is bad



What are some physical symptoms of stress?

Low energy, headaches, upset stomach, tense muscles, rapid heart beats, insomnia, frequent colds or infections, dry mouth, nervousness, and more.


A natural way to get in shape and increase feelings of happiness is to ______.

What is exercise


Name one stress reducing activity you have found to be helpful.

Yoga, deep breathing art making, gratitude practice, scheduling in down time,


Worrying is a negative way of dealing with stress True/ False



Test anxiety cannot be reduced

Good news! Yes it can! It is a learned response that can be unlearned. Here are a few simple strategies to help control and conquer test anxiety.

• Prepare well. It sounds obvious, but it's true. Review all material from class daily. Do not wait until a quiz or test is announced to begin review

• Practice deep breathing or relaxation techniques

• Develop good test-taking skills. Break tests into smaller parts. Work on the easier parts first.

• Ask to take your tests alone and not with the class

• Ask the teacher to give you an oral test before or after school or during lunch

• Stay positive

• Get a good night's sleep

• Exercise and eat healthy

• Listen to music


List two examples of events that can cause negative stress

Loss of job, death of a family member, etc


How does stress affect muscles?

Muscles become more tense, shoulders and neck may ache


This coping skill requires you to write your thoughts down on paper.

What is journaling


True or False: Stress can save your life

True: Stress can motivate people to prepare or perform, like when they need to take a test or interview for a new job. Stress can even be life-saving in some situations. In response to danger, your body prepares to face a threat or flee to safety.


Being angry is a positive stress management method.  True or False?



Any level of test anxiety is bad

On the contrary, having a small amount of test anxiety can be helpful. The desire to get the right answer can be motivating, can cause us to focus and set in motion our learning skills. A healthy amount of nerves can help us rise to the occasion.


 What are some common causes of internal stress? 

 Pessimism, inability to accept uncertainty, Rigid thinking, Lack of flexibility 


Name four organs that are affected by stress.

Brain, heart, lungs, Stomach, Kidney, liver


Name one benefit of coping skills.

Ability to decrease unwanted symptoms, management of emotions, ability to be in-tune with our body's messages


Name one of the changes the body goes through during the "Fight or Flight" response.

Heart rate increases, Blood Thickens, Senses Sharpens, Heavier Breathing, Adrenaline Kicks In, sweaty palms,


Exercise is important in managing with stress? True/ False


Stress and anxiety are the same


Stress, like anxiety, is an emotional response.

Stress is usually caused by an external trigger, like taking an exam or getting into a fight with a friend. Anxiety, on the other hand, can be an internally created fear that seems to take on a life of its own.

Both have a similar set of symptoms: fatigue, difficulty concentrating, anger or irritability, and trouble with sleeping. Unlike stress, clinical anxiety is not short-term and does not go away after the stressor is taken away.

Fear vs. Anxiety

Fear is the emotional response to a real or perceived threat. Anxiety is the anticipation of a future threat. People also use the word “anxiety” to describe lingering nervousness or a constant sense of tension or worry.


Name 3 causes of stress in your life right now



Long term stress can cause... (mental or physical)

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Digestive problems
  • Headaches
  • Muscle tension and pain
  • Heart disease, heart attack, high blood pressure and stroke
  • Sleep problems
  • Weight gain
  • Memory and concentration impairment

Name two of your own coping skills



True or False: You can completely eliminate stress by avoiding stressful situations.



What is negative thinking?

Making a problem bigger than it really is, resulting in stress.


2 in 5 adults experience anxiety and 2 in 5 adults experience depression

Fact. At least 40 million adults experience anxiety and 40 million adults experience depression in the United States