Your body’s response to external or internal changes
A physician who specializes in the treatment of mental and emotional disorders
Name 2 methods used to cope with stress.
Eat well
Plenty of sleep
Talk things out with someone
Learn to relax
Learn to say no to extra activities
Set priority
Don’t let worry drain you
Learn not to procrastinate
Check your attitude
True or False: Stress is natural and unavoidable
A mental state characterized by sadness, anxiety, fatigue, underactivity, and reduced ability to relate to others
A mild disorder that causes distress but does not interfere with a person’s everyday activities
The stimulus that triggers the stress
Personality Disorder
A person who has trouble getting along with others or getting along in certain situations
Name one sign of depression
Inability to sleep
Decrease in appetite
Feeling bored and unmotivated
Losing interest in activities of life
Inability to concentrate
Feeling of fatigue
What hormone is released when the "Fight or Flight" response is triggered?
Mental state can be defined as...
Of or relating to the total emotional and intellectual response of an individual to his/her environment
One who has the tendency to see what is gloomy, or anticipate the worst possible outcome
Name at least 1 factor that can affect a person's reaction to stress
Person’s age, social status, income, cultural background, stage in life, and previous experiences
Circumstances surrounding the situation
How much control the person has or thinks he/she has over the situation
The personality type of the person: Type A or B?
The person’s personal relationship with God
One who has the tendency to look on the more favorable side of happening. To minimize adverse aspects, conditions and possibilities, or anticipate the best possible outcome; to see the worst in complete realism, but still believe in the best; a cheerful or hopeful temperament
A severe mental disorder that prevents a person from functioning
A severe form of psychosis in which the victim may have delusions, hallucinations, extreme mood changes, and paranoia
Manic-Depressive Illness
A mental disorder in which the sufferer alternates between extreme sadness and extreme joy
The stress reaches a point when the feelings of depression, confusion, and exhaustion replace the natural excitement and drive to meet a challenge
The following characteristics are indicative of what personality type?
Has an intense drive, seems hurried much of the time and is extremely competitive
Often linked to a condition called “hurried sickness”
Type A personality
What is the leading cause of death among 14-15 year olds?
Positive, good stress that comes from situations that are enjoyable (ex. winning a game)
From the Stress and Performance bell shaped curve, where is the Optimum Stimulation Zone?
At the peak of the bell shaped curve
A person who has a Ph.D. in psychology and who is trained to study behavior and give counseling therapy
Type B Personality
Someone who is calmer, more patient, and less hurried
Name one warning sign of suicide
Sudden change in behavior
Signs of depression, such as apathy, crying, insomnia, loss of appetite
Change in performance in school
Loss of interest in friends
Giving away of personal items or possessions
Preoccupation with death, dying, or suicide
Offhand remarks such as “You may not be seeing me around much anymore” or “if anything should happen to me”
Excessive risk-taking
Increased drug/alcohol use