End-Of-Life Cont.
what is an advanced directive?

documentation of the patient's wishes during receiving medical care


What is Cheyenne stokes breathing?

periods of rapid breathing alternating with apnea


Triggers of migraines 

alcohol, caffeine, skipped meals, physical exertion, bright lights, excessive noise, smells, lack of sleep, stress, weather, foods (caffeine, nitrates, tyramine) 


What three things does a patient need to do in order to make their own health care decisions?

  1. Receive information 

  2. Evaluate information 

  3. Communicate a treatment preference 


S/E of morphine sulfate 

Respiration depression, cough suppression, N/V, itching, constipation, sedation, dry mouth, urinary retention 


S/S of aura and when it begins 

5-60 mins before a migraine

numbness, tingling of lips and tongue, mild confusion, aphagia, vertigo, unilateral weakness, drowsiness, visual disturbances 


What is hospice?

model for high quality, compassionate care for people facing a life-limiting process. 

  • <6 months to live 

  • Pain management

  • Curative care has stopped 

  • Care provided in 60/90 day periods 


S/S death has occurred

HR and breathing has stopped, pupils are fixed or dilated, muscles relax, incontinence, eyes may remain open, jaw may fall open, pale and cool 


S/S of migraine and how long it lasts 

4-72 hours 

pain that is unilateral, pulsating, throbbing, N/V, neck stiffness, photophobia, phonophobia


What is palliative care?

a philosophy of care for people with life threatening diseases that helps patients and families identify their outcomes for care, assists them with informed decision making, and facilitates high-quality management.


Managing dyspnea 

administer oxygen, morphine, bronchodilators, corticosteroids, do not suction patient, place patient on their side


Sumatriptan S/E

flushing, nausea, dizziness, muscle weakness, cant get pregnant, rebound migraine 


S/S of end of life 

weakness, increased sleep, anorexia, drop in BP, decreased LOC, changes in genitourinary function, cold, mottled, and cyanotic extremities, Cheyne-stokes breathing, death rattle


Nursing Interventions 

cover with a blanket, don't force patient to stay awake, offer a foley, talk to them normally, administer meds, don't force to eat or drink, elevate patients head, reorient patient when needed, keep the room dimly lit and noice to a minimum, encourage family to say goodbye. 


When should you take sumatriptian?

As soon as the aura or migraine begins