The Black Perspective
Evidence-Based Interventions
Policy, Social Justice, and Advocacy
Incidence, Prevalence, and Disparities

The 6 Principles of the Black Perspective

What are affirmation, strengths, diversity, vivification, social justice, and internationalization? 


One Criteria of PTSD

Any of the discussed criteria...


Discuss Prolonged Exposure Therapy

It involves gradually and repeatedly confronting trauma-related memories, feelings, and situations that are being avoided, which can help reduce the power they have over the individual

Of the 285 trauma-informed care bills considered, how many of them were adopted?

What is 21? 


The Gender Most Likely to Develop a Trauma and Stress-Related Disorder

Who are women? 

How can the strengths perspective be applied to an individual with a trauma or stress-related disorder?

What is helping clients understand their diagnosis and its effects will allow them to develop and implement skills to help them through their treatment and manage their symptoms?


What is the maximum duration for an individual to be diagnosed with acute stress disorder?

What is 1 month?


What are SSRIs (examples or what it stands for) and how does it help individuals experiencing trauma symptoms? 

What are Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors? They reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression related to traumatic events.


The Two Groups Advocating for Nationwide Trauma-Informed Legislation

What are the Campaign for Informed Policy and Practice and the Institute on Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care? 


2 Populations that have higher Prevalence of Trauma and Stress-Related Disorders

What is (2 of these)

  • Veterans

  • Survivors of Assault

  • Chronic Illnesses

  • Caregivers

  • Refugees and Immigrants


How can the diversity principle of the Black Perspective be applied to an individual with a trauma or stress-related disorder? 

What is diversity of clients should be considered when treating BIPOC, low-income, and LGBTQ+ clients so that they are appropriately diagnosed and treated?


Name two differential diagnoses of Adjustment Disorder?

What are Acute Stress Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder? 


What are two effective interventions identified as effective when working with trauma and stress-related disorders?

What are CBT and EMDR? 


What is the purpose or promise of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America? 

What is to raise awareness about the impact of mental health on physical health, to find new treatments, and one day prevent and cure anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, and co-occurring disorders? (one or all acceptable)


3 Influencing Factors affecting the Incidence Rates of Trauma and Stress-Related Disorders

What is (any 3) 

  • Exposure to trauma 

  • Severity and type of trauma

  • Genetic predisposition/Personal and Family Hx

  • Coping Mechanism & Support Systems

  • Cultural Factors

  • Occupational risks


How can the social justice principle of the Black Perspective be applied to an individual with a trauma and stress-related disorder? 

What is advocating for the BIPOC, low-income, and LGBTQ+ populations to ensure they have access to appropriate and equitable care after trauma has occurred?


What is a duration of symptoms required for an individual to be diagnosed with Prolonged Grief Disorder? Children and Adults

12 months for adults, 6 months for children


What standardized tool is considered the "gold standard" for assessing PTSD?

What is the Clincian-Administered PTSD Scale? (CAPS)

How is sexual assault relevant when discussing trauma and stress-related disorders?

Women of color are affected disproportionately.. contributing to the racial, ethnic, and gender disparities. 


Contributing Factors to the Racial and Ethnic Disparities of Trauma and Stress-Related Disorders

What are socioeconomic status, exposure to violence, and healthcare barriers? 


Pick a principle of the Black Perspective and discuss how you would apply it to an individual with a trauma or stress-related disorder? 

What is...? 


If you had to compare the discussed Trauma and Stress-Related Disorders, how would you compare them? 

What is duration and severity of symptoms? 


What is the podcast's name where Shanan, Mychael, and Melanie discuss evidence-based interventions for trauma and stress-related disorders? 

What is Mind Matters?

How Trauma-Informed Legislation Can Help Those Impacted by Trauma and Stress-Related Disorders

What is providing accessible and informative mental health treatment?


Discuss any future direction for studying Trauma and Stress-Related Disorders

What are (any of these)

  • Targeted Interventions

  • Culturally competence care

  • Policy Changes

  • Community Support

  • Research and Education