Acute Stress Disorder
Flight/ Fight
Psychological Disorders
Psychophys and DSM-5
Event that poses threat of death or physical integrity, person MUST respond with fear, helplessness or horror.
What is trauma.
The same types of trauma that cause PTSD can also cause ASD. True or False
What is True.
The fight/ flight response is the body's response to this.
What is stress/ danger/ threat.
another name for psychophysiological disorders.
What is psychosomatic disorders.
Holmes and Rahe Social Adjustment Rating Scale (that we took in class) does this.
What is measures susceptibility to physical illness by rating psychosocial stressors.
Sallie Sue walks instead of driving, feels "numb" or like she can't feel anything, and feels detached from friends and family. These are examples of this PTSD symptom.
What is avoidance? (avoidance also common to GAD, phobias, panic disorder)
time criteria for ASD
What is 1 month.
This part of the autonomic nervous system controls the stress response.
What is the sympathetic nervous system.
Name a factor that contributes to psychophysiological disorders.
What is biological (overactive autonomic nervous system, individual differences in stress responses (i.e stomache aches->ulcers) psychological (type A personality) or sociocultural (poverty, ses stressors)
Name two risk factors for stress related physical illness.
What is Having excess of norepinephrine, corticosteriods, eating poorly, having a non-resilent personality and poor social support/ high loneliness
Spiderman experiences times where he seems to lose track of time, and instead sees the Green Goblin in front of him, feels like he is fighting, and can even smell the pumpkin bombs the Goblin threw at him. Spiderman is experiencing which PTSD symptom?
What is a flashback?
Diagnostic classification in which individuals experience symptoms within three months of a stressor, but do not develop PTSD, ASD, anxiety or mood disorders.
What is Adjustment Disorders?
Hormones do these four things.
What is quick burst of energy, pain sensitivity decrease, increased immune system functioning AND taxes body if sustained or often.
The difference between psychosomatic or psychophysiological disorders and somatoform disorders.
What is relationship to physical illness. Psychosomatic result in actual physical problems whereas somatoform disorders are entirely psychological.
PTSD and ASD are in this category in DSM-5.
What is stress related disoders.
This person is more likely to develop PTSD: Spiderman or Batman (based on age) This person is more likely to develop PTSD: Spiderman or Batman (based on social support) This person is more likely to develop PTSD: Spiderman or Batman (personality)
What is Spidey, Batman, Batman
Name three types of traumas that might lead to acute stress disorder or PTSD.
What is comat, disasters, rape, victimization, torture etc.
Brain structure that controls the arousal and fear pathways in the body.
What is hypothalamus (controls pituitary which secretes hormones, produces hormones) and autonomic nervous system (involuntary physiological responses)
Two major types of headaches
What is tension/ muscle contraction headaches and migraines (both psychophysiolocial, caused by interaction of stress (ie helplessness, depression, anxiety, anger) and physical (constricting blood vessels, neurotransmitters ie seratonin, muscle weakness).
A man turns his concentration inward in a quiet place and writes letters to his HIV virus in order to decrease the psychological factors that might worsen this illness. He is using this type of psychophysiological treatment.
What is meditation, (similar to developing mantras, mindfulness meditation especially helpful with pain)
Which of these treatments for PTSD has questionable validity? medications, exposure, EMDR, cognitive therapy, debriefing
What is EMDR and debriefing
The APA banned members from doing this in 2008, due to the high rate of victims who develop PTSD. (30-50%)
What is terrorist interrogation in US detention centers due to possibilities of torture.
The stress response can go on indefinitely if a person remains stressed for a long time. True/ False.
What is false- the body will not use all it's resources on the stress response and will naturally de-escalate (although this may be fear of people with anxiety/ stress disorders).
Style of personality characterized by Meyer Friendman and Raymond Rosenman that is associated with anger, cynicism, impatience, competition and abbition
What is type A, also associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease.
Hypnosis is not helpful in the treatment of psychophysiological disorders. True/False.
What is False- especially helpful with pain and reducing pain after surgery.