Yes or No?
What is stress?
Managing stress
Stressful or not?
Stressful situations

Is stress ALWAYS bad for you?

No!  Sometimes stress can be good if it motivates us to do things.  However, some stress can be bad if we don't do anything about it.


Give 3 examples that cause most kids stress.

school, peer conflict, changes in routine, the "unknown", family struggles


Your pencil broke.  What is an appropriate response to this stress?

Borrow from a friend, ask the teacher, use a different writing utensil


ILEARN (or other big, important testing!)

STRESSFUL for sure!


Describe something that makes you feel stressed at school.

Answers will vary


Can stress be annoying?

Yes!  Especially if we just let it go without trying to figure out what is causing it. 


Give 2 examples of something that might cause adults to feel stressed.

Finances, work, kids, responsibilities, housework


It's raining outside and you planned to go swimming.  What is the appropriate response to this type of stress?

You have no control over the weather!  If there's no lightening, swim anyway or find something to do inside. (Play a board game, read, draw, bake cookies, help someone!)


Hearing your parents argue and fight from the other room.



Describe something that makes you feel stressed at home.

Answers will vary


Does everyone experience stress at one time or another?

Absolutely!  It's what we do with it that matters!


Give an example of how stress can actually help a person.

Answers will vary:  maybe sports, competition, gives a burst of energy


You bombed your test that you REALLY studied hard on.  What is the appropriate response to this type of stress?

Ask yourself what you could have done differently.  Talk with the teacher to see if there are other opportunities to earn points.  Learn from it, and do better next time!


Getting ready to ride your first roller coaster.

Not!  Think of it as an adventure!


Describe a situation where you should have handled stress better.  What did you do?  What could you have done instead?

Answers will vary


Is it possible that stress can actually help you?

Yes!  Stress can help us get things done or motivate us to put forth effort.


Give an example of how stress can affect the body.

Answers may vary:  some people sweat, heart speeds up, face turns red, stomach ache, headache, lack of focus


Someone at recess constantly tries to push and shove you and your friends while playing basketball.  What is the appropriate response to this type of stress?

Politely ask them to stop.  Walk away. Get an adult involved.  If you've tried everything, and it isn't changing, you need help.  


Getting up in front of the entire school for a talent show that YOU signed up for.

Both answers might work here.  For some people, that would be very stressful, but for others, they love it!


Describe a situation where you felt stressed but used a coping skill to overcome your feelings. 

Answers will vary


If you are experiencing high levels of stress, should you just ignore it and hope it goes away?

No!  If stress continues, it is important to find someone you trust to talk about it.  Sometimes "sharing" your stress will actually help you feel better!


Describe a situation where YOU felt stress AND what you did about it.

Answers will vary.


You and your friends have had a HUGE fight and now you feel sad and lonely.  What is the appropriate response to this type of stress?

Try to talk it out with an adult or someone who cares for you.  Maybe ask the counselor or a teacher to sit with you and your friends to help everyone work through it together?


Choosing where you want to go for your birthday dinner.

Not!  Sure, it's a BIG decision, but it should be fun, not stressful!


Describe the most stressful situation you can think of, AND what you would do if it happened to you. 

Answers will vary