Therapeutic Communication

Your patient is asking about factors that influence stress. You know this includes the following:

What is personal perception of a stressor, overall health, support systems, personal factors (age, developmental level, life experience)?


You know complicated grief includes:

What is chronic, masked and delayed grief often caused by lack of community/familial support?


Your patient expresses their fear related to healthcare. Your best response would be:

What is to acknowledge fear (ex. It sounds like you are concerned about this surgery.)?


The General Adaptation Syndrome involves:

What is 3 stages: alarm reaction, resistance, exhaustion or recovery?


There are 4 types of grief which include:

What is uncomplicated, complicated, disenfranchised, and anticipatory?


Your patient is in a coma. You realize that therapeutic communication is:

What is still important, hearing is thought to be the last sense to go before death?


Coping strategies for stress involve the following:

What are alter the stressor, adapt to the stressor, avoid the stressor?


The five stages of grief

What are anger, denial, bargaining, depression, and acceptance?


Your patient is crying. Should you tell them that everything will be fine?

What is NO?


You know that anxiety is defined as:

What is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical changes like increased blood pressure?


Your patient is receiving hospice care. You know that this provides:

What is holistic care of the dying; believes the quality of life is as important as the length and that those who are terminally ill should be allowed to face death with dignity and surrounded by comfort?


Therapeutic communication includes body language. You know that you should do the following to encourage communication:

What is sit by your patient, allow time for response, do not rush, give eye contact?


You know common stressors in the elderly include:

What is loss of family/friends, changes in appearance and functional abilities, major life changes, health issues, cost of healthcare?


Your patient is dying. Your goals should include the following:

What is the patient/family will openly communicate with providers, patient will have satisfactory pain relief, assistance with coping?


Using therapeutic communication requires asking simple yes or no questions. True or false?

What is FALSE? Always ask open ended questions.