True or False: Bike riding is one way to help relieve stress
True! Exercise, being physically active.
Explain why it is important to deal with stress in YOUR life?
You can only control yourself and how you manage YOUR stress. Everyone has different things that stress them out so knowing how to deal with your own stress will be an important life skill
Give an example of positive self-talk
I am such a kindhearted person
Worry or concern caused by a difficult situation is called....
When you advocate, you know how to....
speak up for yourself in order to get what you want or need.
What does the word cope mean?
How someone deals with something difficult.
What is a relaxing technique you can use if you are stressed?
Deep breathing, visualization, meditation, listen to music, take a nice walk, journal, etc.
How can time management help stress?
It can keep things in balance and can bring control to your life.
A_____________ person acknowledges how they feel and reacts in a calm way.
True or False: It is best to ignore any stress in your life. If you pretend that it is not there, it will go away!
Denying the problem/stressor is going to allow the problem and stress to fester. Identify the problem, then work to overcome it.
What is this stress management technique called?
Talking with a friend or other supports.
what are some physical symptoms of stress? Please list 2.
fast breathing, headaches, sweating, back and chest pain, fatigue, nausea, indigestion, etc.
What foods are not good to eat if you are dealing with stress?
Junk food
Fast Food
What are some health challenges that can be caused by stress?
Anxiety, depression, memory impairment, weak immune system, sleep disorder and digestive problems.
What is this stress management technique?
It is listening to music.
What are ways that you can help keep your stress level down.
1.Tackling the Problem
2.Taking Care of my Body
3.Dealing with Emotions
4.using your coping strategies
What are some emotional symptoms of stress?
Loss of motivation
Difficulty with memory and concentration
What does it mean to be pessimistic? Give one example of something a pessimistic person might say.
negative. "I hate school"
What are some things that you CAN control in your life?
Your behavior (your own actions and words) How much sleep you get, what you eat, how much water you drink,, etc..
You feel sad, get moody or angry, feel hopeless, have frequent headaches, you're always tired, and have chest pain. What should you do?
Seek help from a doctor, counselor, family, friends, but do not ignore the signs!
Why is it important to learn how to manage your stress levels?
It's important to learn how to manage your stress levels so you can handle stress in a more effective way.
You will learn how to NOT blow your lid and be explosive
What are some behavioral symptoms of stress?
Nail biting
Constant thoughts
What is anxiety
Stress that lasts for a long period of time
What are some ways you can release your thoughts or worries ? Name at least 2
Laughing or crying
A person who is self aware understands.......
their thoughts, feelings, and actions.